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The water bender looked at her husband, he looked at her. "You okay, Sweetie?" He asked her, she shrugged. "What's wrong?" He questioned, worried.

"Why?" She asked, he stared at his wife confused.

"Why what?" He wondered, she started to cry.

"Why did you choose me? For pity? For m-" He put his finger to her lips, she silently sighed.

"Do not ever think I wanted to be with you for pity, if anything I should be thinking that-" He told her, she cried slightly more then wrapped her arms around him while doing so.

"But I don't deserve you, not at all." He kissed her hair, with a nod.

"You don't, you deserve someone better. I know, you really do." He mentioned, she shook her head.

"No, that's the thing. You can lie multiple times, I'll still believe you- But this time, this time- I won't believe your lies..." She told him, he looked upset. 

"Sweetie, listen; I'm not lying, you deserve better than me- I love you, but you do." He told her, on the verge of tears.

"No, you deserve better than me. You're the Avatar, but me- I'm just a stupid, ugly Water Tribe peasant. Something you don't deserve at all..." She cried, he started to cry as well now.

"You're not ugly nor stupid, and I don't care that you grew up less fortunate. I will always love you, no matter what." He gave her a kiss, she gave the kiss back.

"And I'll always love you, no matter what." She then gave him another kiss, and he gave that one back with happiness.

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