Letters from a lover pt2

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a continuation of pt1 but from aangs pov this time

I got a new letter, I recognised from the blue Southern Water Tribe symbol seal who it was. I opened it carefully yet very excitedly, I then opened the letter itself and read my wife's words. 

Dear to my, as you said for me, forever boy,

I rolled my eyes and laughed at this.

I am pleased to be aware you'll be a while, I hope that my brother and Zuko aren't giving you too many meetings. You may be thinking that your son has been born but at the time I am writing this, we are still physically childless.

I sighed from relief, I would hate to miss our first or last child's birth...

I am truly sorry, for this I assume grave news:

I get worried, I mean what if she's not okay? 

Our son will not be an air bender nor a water bender, you can hate me if you wish. I just wanted to let you know-

I cry, I could never hate her. So what, our child won't be a bender? My brother-in-law and his wife are non-benders, and they are still amazingly talented. Maybe Sokka can teach him some boomerang stuff or sword stuff...

Extreme amounts of love,

Katara x

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