After the fall

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this is what i think katara was thinking in the 3 weeks aang was in a coma, + a bit when he awoke. each week is separated! 

Week One 

I need to go check everything's good, I find my best friend still healing. I see he is slowly growing hair, it's funny. I've never seen any hair on his head area, well except his eyebrows. I get some water, and get it ready for healing. I really miss him, the only other time we had no idea if he was okay or not was when he was in ice. I hate how Zuko betrayed us, betrayed me! Anyway, think back to healing. I take off a few bandages and heal the scar, at the sight of the twelve year old's bare chest I blush. I mean, I've only ever seen Sokka like that otherwise and he's my brother. It's different with Aang, I love him romantically. I hope he wakes up soon, we need him. I need him...

I then go over to the meeting, "Listen to me, Hakoda. If we fight them, we'll be wiped out. Our ships can't handle another confrontation with the Fire Nation." Bato says, "We've also got Aang to think about." I argue, "If he's captured or worse, the whole world will suffer. No matter what, we have to protect him!" I finish, my brother begins. "Then that's what we'll do! All we need is a little ingenuity," Toph begins to assume, "You're not gonna tell that pentapox story again, are you?" He slightly rolls his eyes, "And an excellent story it is, too, but no-I was just going to suggest that if we can't beat the Fire nation...let's join 'em!" I look at him like he just made the worst mistake of the century..."You can't possibly mean that we should switch sides?" Bato asks.

"We don't have to switch sides, just boats!" My brother says, smiling at his idea. We then dumbly destroyed our boats, after we did that we got on smaller ones. The entire journey, I of course was checking up on Aang. When we reach land, my brother makes a fire. Then happily says, "By this time tomorrow, we'll be back at sea!" My dad sees me cold, "Katara, it's cold. Come sit by the fire..." I silently humph and say, "I'm fine." They just eat their food as I go back to heal Aang, I have to. I'm the only healer that we have here, as I'm the one of the only only conscious benders.  I see his eyes still closed, I sigh and cry a little. I just want him to wake up, it's not fair. It's almost been two weeks, two weeks since I lost the boy I'm friends with. The boy I love...

Week Two

"I shouldn't be here, I should've stayed with Aang." I say, Toph hears me. "Right now, we need you here. Aang will be fine, and if we pull this off, he'll have a safe place to recover." I then put on my mask and go, stink bombs fly everywhere. We then arrive in the Fire Nation, "Where are you headed, soldier?" A guard says, my dad speaks. "The Water Tribe Navy has been completely destroyed. Our orders are to head west to rendezvous with the fleet out there. So if you wouldn't mind letting us pass..." We then go through, we approach the boat again. I run to the room my best friend is healing in, he's still not awake. I also see he has quite a lot of hair, it looks h- nice. Wait what? Why would I think that, he's twelve and I'm fourteen. I shouldn't be thinking that.

I then heal him, people pass through. I close the door then speak to him as if he's awake, "Hey, Aang. You good?" I ask, "Yeah, I'm finding it hard too." I confess, "I miss you." I say to him, "You may think I only see you as a friend, but the truth is... I love you..." I admit, out loud yet no one hears it. I then press my lips to his, with tears streaming down my face. I then go get "dinner", it's hardly anything but I'm grateful. I eat the fish that we somehow got with us, thinking that he's conscious helps. It helps me know, there is hope. I yet again press my lips to his for a moment, my brother then comes. "Look!" He says, pointing to the Fire Nation on a map. I shrug, "Look, we're in the Fire Nation. We're one step close to winning this war!" He shouts, I smile at this.

"Oh- You should probably go back to healing Aang." He says, I nod. He then goes, I continue to heal. I hope he wakes up before the day of black sun, spirits. Wait, but what if he doesn't? Why am I thinking such weird things today? It's probably time to go to bed, I'm thinking ridiculous things today. First I find Aang with hair ho-he's twelve so I'm not gonna say it, and then I think he won't wake up soon. I can't sleep, I can't stop thinking of him. In a...romantic way, I mean of course. I love him, I have since our first kiss. I dream about us in the future, oh I hope this dream comes true. I love him, I love Aang. I'm in love with the freaking Avatar! Gosh, that seems like every girl's dream but he...He loves me back, I cry and imagine us together as a couple...

Week Three

Back to healing, of course. Everyone is pretty much used to this now, thankfully there are more symptoms of him waking up. I look at him and put my hands next to his shoulders, "Please, wake up!" I beg, nothing... I push my lips to his, this might help. I sigh, nothing still. My dad then looks at me, "You look pretty desperate-" He says, I blush. "It's just, the world needs him." I admit, he laughs. "You remind me a lot of how I was crushing on your mother." He says, "Hey! I do not like Aang like that." I lie, "'Tara, you said he looks cute with hair." He says, "What?" I ask, "Listen, I'll give you some advice: Never leave it to the last minute, especially if it's not one-sided." He admits, I nod. "So, you think I should-" I ask, he nods. "I trust you, you're a smart girl."

I smile, then give him a hug. "Your mother would be so proud, of you and your brother." I grab on to her necklace as if she's here, he then walks away. After that, I get the necklace the boy I love made. I smile at the memory, "Ka-ta-ra." I hear, (like ron to hermione👀) "Yes?" I ask, he smiles slightly. Then, nothing. I cry a little, he'll be okay. I know him well enough to assume that, even after only six months. I then remember how he called me pretty before me and Toph went to try to speak to Earth King Kuei, how was I so blind? Ugh, and when he left. I suppose he was gonna tell me he loves me, but I know now. I love him, like he loves me. And we will be together, no matter when just we will be. I don't care one bit, when as long as it happens. Soon...

I then heal a bit more, I sigh. Alright, I better go check on everything. I see my brother chatting with our father and Bato, he then walks over to me. "Is he awake?" I shake my head, "You look like an adult in that Fire Nation armour, y'know." I say, he strokes an imaginary beard. I laugh, then the blind earth bender comes. "Is Twinkle-Toes up?" She asks, I shake my head again. She sighs, "I miss him, he's like a little brother to me. Don't tell him, I said that though." She says, I nod and pretend to zip my lips. I then sit and relax for a while, "So, how does he look? Y'know I'm blind and all." She says, I sigh. "He has hair..." I say, thinking of how h- nice he looks. I then see a figure come, I run to it. "You're awake!" I say, he smiles then faints. "Somebody catch him!"

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