All For Nothing...Or?

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Advice for this 1shot, listen to:

Backstory: The 100 war is over, just the only problem is: Aang didn't survive-or so everyone thought-...(Katara's POV obviously)


I walked around the metal airship, then laid my back on the door. "'Tara, you okay?" My brother asks, I sniffle more.

"Yeah, fine." I lie, he then walks off.

I cry more, 'Why couldn't he live?!' I think to myself.

The door opens, "I said, I'm fine Sokka!" I shout, I then look. I see the Avatar, he joins me. "Aang!" I cry, he picks up my chin and wipes my tears.

"Shh, I'm here. And- I love you, I always have." He mentions, I press my lips to his. During this, I put my hands on his cheeks as he puts his in my hair.

"I love you too, and have for so long-" I utter to him, then he gives me another kiss as my tears slowly vanish from my eyes.

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