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aight, at 1st this will be quite confusing. but, trust me it makes more sense when u read the last few paras more than once :)

The water bender rocked her son to sleep, her husband comes in. He looked at the little child there, "He looks just like you but with some of my genes." He gushed, she nodded. "Of course, he's your son." She smiled, the fire bender then took him. "He actually has pretty light eyes, wouldn't he have gold or blue?" He questions, she shrugs. "I had grey-blue eyes when I was his age." She lied, unknowingly to him. He nodded, also with a shrug of his shoulders then went without suspecting a single thing. She was extremely thankful, he didn't suspect anything...

She kissed the little boy's forehead, "You look so much like your father." She smiled, as he babbled to this. Thankfully, for her, he looked nothing like her husband. Entirely just her and his father, then she placed him to bed. She sighed, with a yawn. Soon, he came back. "Katara, are you okay?" He questioned, she nodded with a smile. "I'm fine, Zuko." She agreed, he nodded his head." He then looked at her, "Iroh, he is my son for sure right?" He asked, she nodded lyingly. That wasn't even his real name, it was just the name that she gave to cover up the truth...

He kissed her forehead, they then went to bed. A few hours later, the water bender got up. She went outside, the man who was really her son's father was there. She ran to him, "I missed you, Sweetie." He cried, she cried slightly too. "I missed you, too." She smiled though, he then looked at her curiously. "Zuko still doesn't know, right?" He asked, the female nodded. He gave her a kiss, she gave it back. They then, unfortunately, had to go their separate ways. She went back, her husband and son still asleep. She sighed a sigh of relief, then got to bed once more...

The next day, she woke up and everything was great. Then her husband and the other three world leaders had a meeting, she was fine with it. In the middle of it, she went to hold her son. Unexpectedly, his father had joined her. She smiled, extremely thankful he came. He did too, they then shared a kiss. "What will happen when he finds out, Sweetie?" He asked, she shook her head. "He won't, I know it. And if he does, then we can finally be together publicly hopefully." She states, he kissed her forehead. "You're beautiful." He complimented her...

She blushed, "It's amazing how someone so important, is in love with someone like me." She laughed nervously, "Why wouldn't I? Who cares about my title, when I have you?" He smiled, she did too. He then picked up his son, in awe at how much they look alike. "So, is he a bender?" He questioned, she nodded beaming. He pecked her cheek, "What kind?" He queried, "Your natural element." She stated, he showed his crooked grin. "I'm glad I'm not the only one, anymore." He gushed, she agreed. "It feels reassuring." She added, he agreed back. "It does, it really does..."

"Well, at least the next Avatar will have a teacher for this element." He added, she agreed with a kiss. The young child babbled as his father held him, little did they know a guard was there. The guard knew for ages, the son wasn't the Fire Lord's but now she had proof. She then walked off, and the man had to go shortly after. She sighed, as she held their son. She smiled at how similar he looked to his father, as he did with his son. As the guard, unknowingly, stood there she mentioned a statement. The statement was undoubtedly: "You're the second last air bender..."

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