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The Avatar looked at the pond, seeing turtle ducks swim across. His girlfriend then came, "Sweetie, there you are. I was worried," she told him while sitting down next to him.

"Well, worry no more." He kissed her forehead, she smiled with a bit of blush even after six years.

"Y'know, I've always wondered why turtle ducks love ponds." She looked confused, he laughed a little.

"I wondered that too, but over time I've realised that's just how life works. Everything has a specific life purpose, even spirits. Like how the Avatar's life purpose is to save normal humans from disaster, more themselves." He smiled, she did too.

"Is it possible for the Avatar to be immortal?" She wondered, he solemnly shook his head.

"No, it's impossible. We do live long lives usually, but everything except spirits are mortal. Which, is actually quite funny as Avatars are half spirit, half human." He laughed again a little, she did too.

"So, if you're part spirit- Does that mean that once you die you'll go to the Spirit World?" She questioned, he thought for a moment.

"No, I don't think so. But, it is possible. Raava, the Avatar/ light spirit, goes from one life to the next... So, in conclusion maybe." He beamed at her, then realised. "Don't tell me, you're worried I'm dying." He put a hand on her cheek, she sighed as a tear fell down her eye.

"You were in the Avatar State for 100 years, and that decreases your energy. I just don't want you to go," she sniffled.

"Sweetie, every human is mortal including The Avatar- But, did you not hear what I said? Avatar's usually live long lives." He reminded her, but she didn't accept that.

"You've already lived a long life, and for 98 of those years I wasn't even born! I want to spend as long as possible with you, please." She cried, he started to cry at her crying.

He took her hands then, "Listen, you will outlive me-" She shook her head, as an interruption.

"No, I don't want to!" She pleaded more, he kissed her forehead.

"Shh, it's okay." He put a hand on her arm, and stroked it. "You will be okay, you're strong enough without me." He kissed her, she gave it back with still tears. I assure you, before I die you will have something new yet special." He told her with a smile, she nodded.

53 𝚢𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚜 𝚕𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚛

"Sifu Katara, everything has a life purpose correct?" The five year old Avatar checked, she nodded.

"Yes, A- Korra. You're right," she smiled. "Now, run along and do your own thing." She told the young girl, who ran to get her coat. "Thank you," she whispered to herself before she heard a subtle 'your welcome'.

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