Vast envy

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this is angsty but it does end up happier i promise

The water bender watched the Avatar dance with a girl from the school, she sighed. "They look pretty good together," her brother said. If she could, she'd slap him extremely hard with her bending for that but she couldn't.

"Eh, if that's what you like." She slightly shrugged, then the earth bender 'looked'.

"Who knew Twinkle-Toes could dance?" She laughed, leaving the middle teen blush.

'That should be me dancing with him, not her.' She whispered to herself, with vast envy in her.


The Avatar crept towards a rock but found the water bender there, "Oh, hey Katara." He told her, she smiled.

"Hey, Aang." She mentioned, memories spread of the dance they shared.

"It's probably really late, are you okay?" He asked, she sighed with a shake of her head.

"What are you planning on doing when we end the war?" She asked, very optimistic they will end the war.

"No clue to be honest, why?" He added, she looked at him.

"Well, it's just: You're the last air bender so you probably should have," she blushed heavily, "kids with someone." She said, he blushed too.

"Yeah, I guess so. I mean, don't tell anyone, but I rather am in love with a girl but I'm 99% sure it's one-sided." He sighed, she looked at him with, yet again, vast envy.

"Well, it can't be." She suggested, "You two will end up together, I'm sure." She then got up, he stopped her.

"Do you, y'know, love anyone? Or have you?" He asked, she nodded.

"Yeah, all I can say is: Don't lead her on..." She then walked off with tears in her eyes, he sighed.


The air bender looked at the water bender, she was still crying. "You okay, 'Tara?" He queried, she shook her head. "What's wrong?" He questioned, sitting down.

She got up, "It's just," she sniffled as he saw her red nose, "I love someone but, it turns out it's one-sided too." She admitted, he looked at him.

"How do you know?" He wondered, she looked at him.

"He just told me, though you wouldn't care." She admitted, he blushed as he realised that she was talking about him.

"You love me?" He laughed nervously, she folded her arms.

"No." She stuttered slightly, she then went back after giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"You missed," he smiled as she rolled her eyes slightly with blush. He then gave her a kiss, shocked at first, she joined the kiss.

"It seems you do," he flirted. She then went to bed happily, as he did too.

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