Done...or not

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yall probz h8 me for making kataang almost break up welp, heres another 

The water bender sat down, then her husband came. "Sweetie!" He stated, she said nothing. He came into the room she was in, "Sweetie." He said, happily.

With a lot of spite in her, she spoke. "Aang." She stated, he was shocked. They never called each other their names, but nothing expected him for what happened next. "Avatar Aang." She yet again, spitefully stated.

"Sweetie, what's wrong?" He asked, worried.

"What isn't, 'Sweetie'?" She sarcastically questioned, he looked at her. She was absolutely furious, he didn't know why.

"Sweetie, please if there's anything I can do." He begged, tears starting to form.

She put her hands together, "I mean, you can go. Get out of here: The city, the building, the Earth Kingdom. Whichever you wish..." She answered, he looked at her very hurt.

"Please, Sweetie. What did I do?" He beseeched, crying.

"What didn't you do?" She quizzed with a glare of her eye, he was still confused.

"Sweet-" He got interrupted.

"All you ever do is spend time with Tenzin, never me or your other two kids." She mentioned, mad.

"I do, I do spend time with them and you." He stated, she rolled her eyes.

"You're always going on Avatar duties, I used to join you. But now, it's all you. The world doesn't revolve around you, Aang." She told him, he looked at her.

"Oh I'm sorry, but it kind of does." He shouted back, she looked at him now also hurt.

"It doesn't, just because you're the Avatar doesn't mean a thing!" She shouted, he shouted back.

"Yes it does, that's why I have these meetings!" He shouts, she got up.

"We're done, you and Tenzin can go tomorrow for all I care." She walked off, he started to cry.


While trying to sleep, she couldn't. Her younger son walked in, "You okay?" She asked, he did a 'kind of' gesture. "What's wrong?" She queried, he looked down.

"Dad is crying, he wants you to come." He said, she walked downstairs.


"I wish I was never the Avatar, then maybe I would actually spend time with my beautiful wife and my amazing two other kids. It's all my fault because I let the air benders die, maybe it'd be better if I stayed." He told himself, crying.

The water bender started to cry at the second part of his second sentence, she spoke. "Maybe it wouldn't." She stated, he looked at her.

"Sweetie." He said, she ran to him.

"Sweetie." She aforementioned, he put her in the air with his bending.

The, once again, happy couple shared a long kiss.

"I love you, my forever girl." "I love you too, my forever boy."

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