"No matter what,"

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The water bender sighed, her husband came in. "You okay?" He asked his wife, she nodded.

"Yeah, y'know papaya tastes kinda nice right now." He glared at her, he knew they were expecting a child soon but he still glared at her.

"You hate papaya though," she looked at him and folded her arms.

"I do," she pouted like a little child, "but our future son doesn't." She mentioned, he laughed then kissed her forehead.

"Alright, I'll see what I can do." He then went, she then pouted again.

"You didn't give me a kiss," she told him as he turned around.

He gave her a kiss, and she gave it back. "There, now I must go."


He came back, "Ew, why did you get me that?!" She asked, he sighed.

"Eat up," he chucked it near her.

"Fine," she did as she was told.

"Y'know, you're so beautiful." He told her, she eyed him.

"Are you saying I'm beautiful only like this?" She questioned, he shook his head.

"No, you're always beautiful." He smiled, she then smiled too.

"Thank you, Sweetie." She added, he looked confused.

"For what, Sweetie?" He asked, she kissed his cheek.

"For everything," she replied.

"Of course, I'll be there for you always. No matter what," he told her before giving her another kiss.

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