Blocked for love pt2

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The water bender cried into her hands, the Avatar walked in while hearing her crying. "You okay?" He asked, she looked at him.

"Go away," she said as much she didn't really mean it.

"No, you're upset and as your best friend I need to help you." He pleaded slightly, she shook her head.

"Trust me, it's okay." She then got up, he held her hand making the two of them blush heavily.

"Sorry!" He yelped slightly, removing his hand from hers.

She then went back, placing her hand in his. "No, I didn't mind you doing that." She smiled, he blushed more.

"W-what?!" He questioned, she then kissed his cheek. "You missed," he accidentally let out. She then was about to kiss his forehead but he pulled her into a kiss, that she gave back. She then got up again, he looked at her. "I guess that was for pity, then." He told her, she shook her head then went back to give him a kiss.


"I heard you and Aang kissing twice," her brother said. She nodded, then before going spoke.

"You have ears, good." She laughed, as she went off.

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