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The Avatar walked in, seeing his wife carrying their newly born daughter. "Sweetie!" She called out, he kissed her forehead. He started to cry, she put a hand on his cheek. "What's wrong?" She asked her husband, he shook his head.

"Nothing's wrong, don't worry. It's just, now I have two absolutely beautiful females in my life." He smiled, she looked at him.

"You mean, one." She 'corrected', he took the child slightly.

"How dare you call our daughter ugly?!" He exclaimed, she took the girl wrapped in the blue blanket.

"I'm not, she is- That's one!" She exclaimed back, he put a finger to her lips.

"No, there are two. One," he pointed to the newborn, "two." He pointed to her, she rolled her eyes.

"Whatever..." She uttered, then the child's uncle came in with his nephew.

"There's my niece!" He shrieked slightly, before being handed the child.

"Of course, now don't say she looks squishy like you did when Bumi was born." She folded her arms, he looked at the girl.

"But, she does look kinda squishy." He stated, she glared at him.

"You're going to say that at all of our children's births, aren't you?" She questioned, rolling her eyes.

"First of all, who said more were going to be born. And yes, yes I will." He nodded, she laughed.

"Me, that's who." She then kissed her husband's cheek, and continued. "Also, that's great(!)" She mentioned, the air bender picked up her chin with his thumb and index finger.

"Y'know, Sweetie- You missed," he smirked.

She then gave him a kiss, "Oogies," the adult non bender gagged.

"Don't worry, Uncle Sokka, they're always like this." The child non bender stated, his uncle gagged more.

They then turned back, "Anyway, how are you and Suki?" The adult water bender asked, he did an 'okay' gesture.

"We're fine, it's just she's at Kyoshi Island a lot. But, we'll be moving here to Republic City soon." He grinned, then they had to go.

"You won't leave me, will you?" She asked, he shook his head.

"Never, I love you too much." He then kissed her forehead, she pouted slightly.

"You missed this time, Sweetie." She told him, he then gave her a kiss...

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