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oki, i think its abt time i write what i think the kataang wedding was like lmao- this idea has been in my head since i became a ka shipper in june last yr, so pls enjoy as my 160th 1shot... thats a lot but do i care? no, no i do not

The water bender sighed, her father then came. "You ready to get married, Katara?" He asked, she nodded with a few happy tears in her eyes.

"Yes, I am." They then got going, her to-be-husband looked at her in awe.

"Make sure that you treat my daughter right, you got that?" He mouthed, the Avatar nodded.

"Of course, she's my number one priority no matter what." He mouthed back, he nodded also back. "You're beautiful," he whispered to his to-be-wife. She blushed, they then turned back to face her brother and his brother in law to be.


After a while, they then were asked individually: "Do you, Avatar Aang- Take Master Katara, to be your-as you requested- forever girl?" He asked, the air bender looked at her remembering the daydream when he called her that.

"I do, yes." He smiled, she then smiled back.

"Do you, Master Katara- Take Avatar Aang to be your husband?" He asked his sister, she nodded.

"I do, yes." She repeated his words, earning a smile from the non bender there.

"Well, I now pronounce you husband and wife- You can kiss or whatever just not in front of me!" He then ran, as the recently married couple shared a kiss.


The fire bender then went up to do a host, "Hello, Zuko here. I'm gonna guess you kinda already know me, sorta..." He awkwardly said, even after years of being Fire Lord. "Anyway, Katara and Aang: Lemme just say this, I thought you two were already dating when I was chasing you guys. But, that's a good thing; Anyway, I'm gonna go before Katara threatens my life again." He then walked off,  and joined his wife.

"Again?!" The Avatar asked his newly wedded wife, she laughed nervously.

"Yeah, I kind of threatened to kill Zuko if he hurt you." She smiled sheepishly, he then kissed her forehead.

"Well, hello people; You may or may not know me... I'm Suki, Katara's sister-in-law. Anyway, I've known these two since they ended up on Kyoshi Island. They are an amazing couple, and I'm so happy for them. So, congratulations to Aang and Katara!" She exclaimed the last sentence, then joined her husband.

"Hey there, I'm Fire Lady Mai- And, I just wanted to say- I do not normally smile..." Everyone just looked at her, there might've been a cricket chirp even it was so silent. She then gave a sheepish smile, "Anyway," she cleared her throat, "these two are amazing together and I'm so happy for them- Bye!" She then walked off, removing her smile.

"Hello there, it is I- The bride's other best friend, who is also known as the Blind Bandit!" She exclaimed, the whole room went silent again you could seriously hear crickets chirping. "Anyway, Twinkle Toes and Sugar Queen- I'm happy for you both, also slow down with the kids! The guy's only twenty-four and they're already expecting a child." She laughed, and for the last time the room when silent as she swiftly joined everyone else.


The water bender then looked at her husband, he looked at her. "Y'know, I love you right?" She uttered to him, he smiled then looked at her.

"Gee, I sure hope so- I'm officially your husband now, and you're my wife." Her smile went away, then pouted slightly. "Sweetie, y'know I love you too?" He uttered back, she nodded.

"Yes, I did." She then gave him a kiss, as he gave it back happily...

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