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The Avatar and his girlfriend walked around, almost running, in the snow. "It's so beautiful!" She told him, pointing to the stars.

"I can think of something, or someone, more beautiful." He told her, she glared at him.

"Who?" She questioned, folding her arms.

"You, you're the most beautiful thing I've seen in any of my lives in the Human or Spirit World." He emphasised, making her blush.

Then, they turned to see her father speak. "Welcome citizens of the Southern Tribe, it's officially ten years since the war ended. Now, please may I welcome the Avatar to give you a speech." He then put a hand out, for him to go up.

"I'll be back," he whispered to her as he went up. "Hello, it's good to see all of you. It's been a... while since I last visited the South Pole, but I'm glad to be here." He smiled, looking more at his girlfriend than the people. "Ten years since the war ended, that is a long time! But, I can see there is a vast difference to when I came here ten years ago- Which is a good thing, now you may enjoy the night!" He exclaimed, as everyone went.

"Wow, Avatar. It has been a while indeed," he turned around to see his best friend.

"Sokka, good to see you!" He hugged him, then they went down from the stand.

The water bender then hugged her brother, as the three of them walked in the snow. "Anyway, best get going for some meat." The non bender rubbed his hands together, and licked his lips.

She then looked to find a Sky Bison plush, "Sweetie, I have one of my own." He reminded her, she begged with 'puppy eyes'. "Fine, but only because it's for you." He then kissed her forehead, and gave her it after he did the 'mini game' to win it.

"I love it!" She screeched slightly, he smiled.

"I'm glad, I don't think Appa will be impressed though." He laughed slightly, she kissed the air bender's cheek. She then looked at it, "Sweetie, I have something to ask you." He told her, she put it down and nodded.

"Of course, whatever it is I will be fine with." She smiled, he sighed.

Taking out a necklace, much like the one she wore before him- he spoke. "Katara of the Southern Water Tribe, it's been an amazing ten years dating you- You are my forever girl, but am I your forever boy?" He asked, she started to cry but nodded.

"Yes, you are." She smiled, as he replaced the necklace currently on her with his.


"This is the best anniversary ever, y'know." She mentioned to him, laying her head on his shoulder.

"I know, it is. I love you, Sweetie." He replied, she then spoke before giving him a kiss.

"I love you too, Sweetie." She added, giving him a kiss as some fireworks went into the sky at the celebration.

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