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The Avatar came to join his wife, she looked at him. "Sweetie!" She exclaimed, he smiled.

"Hey, Sweetie; I'm back." He told her, as he kissed her forehead. "Listen, I was thinking on what we should call our upcoming son and I think Bumi." He told her, she looked at him.

"After King Bumi?" She asked, he nodded.

"Yes, and for a water bender Kya- After your mother, and for an air bender Tenzin after Monk Gyatso." He beamed, she looked at him.

"Monk Gyatso's first name was Tenzin, how did you know that?!" She questioned, he laughed slightly.

"I heard someone call him that when I was there, and it turns out it was his first name." He told her, she then got up to kiss his cheek.

"But what if we have more than three children?" She teased, he blushed.

"Sweetie! You're only pregnant with our first child!" He exclaimed, making her laugh.

"Don't worry, I was joking- We'll only have three probably." She assured her husband, he looked at her with their lips a few inches apart.

"Even if you were being serious, I wouldn't mind." He joked, she had a shocked and mad expression.

"Avatar Aang, I do hope you're joking!" She half shouted, using his title and name.

"I am, don't worry. Y'know, I love you Sweetie." He told her, she then spoke before giving him a kiss.

"I love you too, Sweetie." She then gave him the kiss, as he gave it back...

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