Dreams do come true

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song creds: elias theme song by bubbles

The Avatar tried to sleep, but he couldn't. He was just thinking about how he blocked the Avatar State for her, and she didn't even know.

Oh, honestly
Did you not read the colony policy?

"Colony policy?" He asked himself, confused.

That defines you as company property?

He was yet again, confused.

That waivers your say in autonomy?
The conglomerate's got you in lock and key

He sighed, it was a dream about him giving up the Avatar State for her...

We put the "dollar" back into "idolatry"
If you're upset, you can rent an apology
We are a family forged in bureaucracy

He saw images of her and him kissing those two times, he gazed at them.

No "I" in "team," but there's "con" in "economy"

"Oh great." He thought to himself, at this.

Were you expecting adventure?
Were you hoping for fun?

"Well yeah, but we're in the middle of a war." He yet again thought, solemnly.

My friend, you're indentured
And pleasure's exempt from your tenure
So venture back down to your slum

He then sighed again, and went to bed.


The water bender looked over, she saw her beloved Avatar. She looked at him, he was crying. She kissed his forehead, he smiled. She did too, he then looked at her. "Hey Katara." He said, awkwardly. She laughed nicely, then blushed at him. Not much, but the blush was still there.

"Hey Aang." She smiled, leaning her head near his in an attempt to be flirtatious. It obviously didn't work, then they got interrupted.

"Listen, Twinkle Toes and Sugar Queen. Your heartbeats are driving me nuts, just freaking kiss or something already." His earth bending teacher said, they blushed. She then walked over there, "Listen, I'm gonna do us all a favour. Kay? Twinkle Toes is in love with Sugar Queen, and Sugar Queen is in love with Twinkle Toes. NOW FREAKING KISS SO I CAN SLEEP!" She shouted the last part, the 14 year old's face turned RED. Not from anger but from embarrassment, her feelings were just stated like it was nothing.

The air bender looked at her, "You okay, 'Tara?" He asked, she nodded eventually. "So, you love me huh?" He asked, she folded her arms.

"I'm gonna g-" He kissed her, she joined it.

"THANK YOU! FINALLY SUGAR TOES OR TWINKLE QUEEN IS HAPPENING! Now I can die happy, well kinda." She laughed, they blushed before sharing another kiss.

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