Shocked but happy nonetheless

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modern au, katara & aang r childhood friends. they both have huge feelings for each other, yet neither of them know abt them...

The water bender sighed, everyone had a date for the 'Valentines Dance' but her. Secretly, she hoped her best friend would ask her but he probably already has a date. "Hey Kat." He said, she turned around to see him.

"Hey Aang." She smiled, he smiled back. "Anyway- I was thinking, are you going with anyone to the Valentines Dance?" She questioned, hopeful for a no.

"No, are you?" He told her truthfully, her face lit up.

"No actually, I was hoping someone would ask me and now I have a chance." She nervously laughed, he looked slightly solemnly. For two years, she dated a guy called Jet because he forced her to. During that time, the two benders developed feelings for one another. Now, he thought she still had feelings for her ex, which was not true as she never did.

"Well, if he doesn't ask you... Wanna go together?" He asked, she nodded with a smile from ear to ear.

He then left before she screeched a screech of joy, no one heard her thankfully...


She then approached him, he looked at her. 'Spirits, she's even more gorgeous right now.' He thought to himself, she blushed as he eyed her.

He then put out a hand, she brushed her hair with her hands. "I don't know Aang, I don't think these shoes are right for dancing-" She pointed to her flat cerulean shoes, "-And I don't know if I can-" He cut her off, with a smile.

"Take my hand." He, in a normal tone and slightly, demanded to her.

"Okay." She smiled, joining him.

He then whispered in her ear, she nodded. They then bowed and started dancing, "You okay?" He unnoticeably mouthed to her, she nodded slightly worried.

After a while, she looked at him. "Aang, everyone's watching." She frowned slightly, a bit sheepishly.

"Don't worry about them, it's just you and me right now." He smirked while speaking, she blushed then smirked back.


"Y'know, I enjoyed that." She gushed, he nodded in agreement.

"So did I." He then took a panda lily and gave her it, she looked at the raven black and silk white flower. She gave him a kiss on the cheek, "You missed." He told her, she blushed.

"No I-" Her words were interrupted by him kissing her, she was shocked but happy nonetheless...

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