"I love you."

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here, have some angst as im having the literal worst weekend ive ever had. ty for all the messages for me to get better soon, u guys r literally the best for this.

I look over to girl who's with the young adult she's engaged to, she came over to me. "Hey." She said, "Hey." I reply, she takes a seat. "So, did you bring anyone?" She asked, I shook my head. "You must at least have a girlfriend, you're almost sixteen!" She assumed, I yet again shook my head. "Nope, I don't." I admit, "You're the Avatar, girls would go on a date with you in a heartbeat." She says, confused. "So? I don't care for them, the girl I do care about is getting married soon." I admit, subtly. "Oh, who?" She queried, "Well, you." I confessed, she humphed.

"Aang, I'm getting married and now you decide to tell me? Ugh, you're so selfish!" She shouts, I nod. "I know, but. I love you." I say, she humphs and walks over to the man she's engaged to. I sigh, I half expected this. My earth bending teacher comes, "Hey Twinkle Toes." She says, "Hey." I respond, "You good?" She asks, I shake my head. She "glares" at me, I realise she's wearing shoes. "I shook my head." I tell her, she nods. "What's wrong?" She queries, "Nothing, it's fine." I lie, she punches my forearm. "I may have my shoes on, but I know when you lie." She stated...

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