Powerful bender

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oki, this is more of an analysis than a kataang 1shot, but here it is.

The water bender looked at the Avatar before her, her brother just called him powerful bender?! She was shocked at what he said, but he was right. He was only twelve and out of the iceberg for a month yet he can do good water bending already...

"Listen Aunt Wu, is so untrustworthy." He said, she nervously nodded.

If she was supposed to marry a powerful bender, then marrying the Avatar would make sense. There's no one more powerful than the Avatar, and there never was. But, what if he died?! Why was she thinking like that, would be the better question.

"I think she's trustworthy." The air bender said, her brother rolled his eyes yet she just blushed.

I mean, sure she hoped he'd be tall. But, even if they were the same age she'd be taller as girls grow quicker than boys then. And, he probably would outgrow her when they reach adulthood. I mean, women stop growing at 18 when men stop at 21...

"My life will be happy." The non bender humphed before tripping over air, the air bender looked worried. (this lowkey happened to me welp)

Yes, Jet is taller than her but he is so untrustworthy plus he is a non bender. She just watched the boy in admiration, with an urge to kiss him yet didn't. For sure, she'd be his first kiss as he would be hers. Of course, he is 12 and wasn't really allowed near girls when he was young.

"You okay, 'Tara? You seem pretty quiet today, after getting back from when I defeated the volcano." He laughed, she blushed and got ready to sleep.

Why was the idea of marrying him so wrong right now, yet seemed so right? Maybe just maybe, because a part of her wanted that to happen. A very big part of her, yet it's not that big. Her heart wanted it...

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