"Could it be wrong?"

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Info: So, basically; In the Water Tribe- You aren't allowed to fall in love with someone not from there, which is dumb I know but still. Also, in the Air Nomads you can't exactly love someone romantically which is also dumb... So, here's this. (Disclaimer: I know this is a kinda wlw song but I couldn't think of any other concept)


The water bender looked at the Avatar, with a sigh. She knew full well, about the Water Tribe rule. It was a stupid one to say the least, an absolute dull-witted rule...

"Am I allowed to look at *him like that?"

She uttered to herself, holding in a few tears...

"Could it be wrong when *he's just so nice to look at?"

She laughed slightly, looking almost directly into his grey-brown eyes...

"And *he smells like lemongrass and sleep."

She gushed to herself, with a bit of blush at these thoughts of the young air bender...

"*He tastes like apple juice and peach."

She guessed this part, she had to...

"Oh, you would find *him in a polaroid picture."

She looked at the picture of the group her brother painted, blushing at how close the two were...

"And *he means everything to me."

She then put the picture to her chest, with a smile while looking at him.

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