After a while

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The water bender opened the door and saw someone slightly familiar, on the other hand not. "Oh, it's you." The person said, she then remembered exactly who it was.


"Oh, and this is Katara!"


"My girlfriend, Katara."


"An honour to meet the Avatar's first girlfriend!"


She shuddered slightly at the memory, "Good to see you, Won Yee." She lied, with a fake smile. If anything, she would kick her out of the entire road but she couldn't.

"Well, what are you doing here?" She asked, the bender managed to control her anger but it was noticeable she was antagonised.

"Oh, y'know. Being the Avatar's first girlfriend," she mentioned. The non bender shrugged slightly, "Oh, you wouldn't know. Completely forgot..." She added, with even more spite than the first line.

"It's nice you two are still happy together," she lied.

"Sweetie, what's going on?" The Avatar asked, she looked at him.

"Oh, me and Won Yee are just having a nice chat." She stated a white-lie, 

"About what?" He questioned, she glared slightly.

"Just about how she's so happy we're still together," she added. Making her boyfriend stare at her, he was confused to say the least.

"Of course we are, why wouldn't we be?" He wondered, she put a hand on his cheek.

"Oh you know, because I'm your first girlfriend." She made a death stare at the fan girl, who gulped silently and unnoticeably.

"First?! You're going to be my only girlfriend, because you're the only one for me." He then gave her a kiss, as she gave it back right in front of her.

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