A new addition

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info: aang has been going on an important avatar duty leaving katara, unknowingly pregnant with their 3rd child alone. when he comes back, however he finds a child of the age of a few months w/ her. 3rd person pov :)

The Avatar was arriving home, he was excited to see his wife and two kids. It had been almost a year, but thankfully the small family would be reunited. He finally approached Republic City and found his friend, "Hey Twinkle-Toes." She said, "Hey." He mentioned then they had to abruptly go their separate ways, he sighed. "How would she forgive me? I mean, I was gone a year almost." He muttered to himself, on the approach of Air Temple Island. He had arrived home...

"Careful Bumi!" A young girl said, "Sorry Kya!" Bumi said, sarcastically. Their mother was holding their younger brother, in awe as he reminded her of her husband. Even more so, because the child was an air bender. Her husband emerged near them, tears fell from her eyes. He ran to her, with air bending. "Sweetie! How I missed you!" He said, "I missed you too!" She replied, "Wait, who's this?" The adult air bender asked, his wife gave him a hug. He was puzzled. 

"This-" She picked up their son, "-is the second air bender left." She said, he broke down in tears. "How?" He asked, "Turns out, I was pregnant when you left." She answered, he cried more. "Hey, little one. You're just like me!" He shouted, happily. Then the two other kids hugged their father, he gave them it back. Then his younger son, joined the hug. He looked at his family of three kids and his wife, his wife gave him a kiss on the cheek. "I love you all, so much!" He told them, "We love you too!" The water bender child said, smiling....   

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