The dating game pt2

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Katara's POV

I drank my water as he did, also. I smiled, he smiled with me. "So, do you have a girlfriend or?" I asked, he shook his head. "I might do, by the end of this." He added, I blushed. "You are beautiful, y'know." He told me, I smiled. "You're pretty handsome." I complimented back, he also smiled. "Last week, it was-" I was about to say, "Interesting?" He asked, I laughed. "Yeah, it was. Anyway, what do you do for work?" I queried, he sighed. "I'm a lawyer, it was what my parents always wanted me to do." He answered, I nodded. "You?" He asked, I began to speak.

Aang's POV

"Call it boring but, I'm a detective." She stated, I gasped. "I always wanted to do that." I told her, she smiled. "That's amazing." She told me, I also smiled. We then got going, I gave her a kiss and she gave it back. "See you next week." I said, she grabbed my arm. I looked at her, we then went into a building. "What is this?" I asked, "My apartment." She stated, we then approached a room. I, yet again, looked at her, she gave me a kiss. Her hand placed itself on my lower waist as mine did the same to hers. I deepened the kiss, she did too. I knew just what was going to happen...

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