A nice conversation

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The water bender sighed, she just realised she was stood up again. Then, someone came. "Excuse me, could I sit here?" She looked up and saw a man, roughly about her age except he had blue arrow tattoos...

"Of course," she nodded.

"Thanks," he sat down, "are you okay?" He asked her, she did a 'kinda' gesture.

"Sort of, I was hoping to have a chance to talk to my ex boyfriend but he stood me up." She mentioned, he put his hand on hers in a reassuring way.

"If he has the nerve to do that to someone so beautiful, then he's a real jerk." He told her, she laughed.

"Believe me, I know. But, I'm glad you think I'm beautiful." She, unknowingly, twirled her hair in a flirtatious matter, he saw this however.

"Wow, catching feelings already." He teased, she looked at him.

"What?! No! Where did you get that idea?" She asked, shocked.

"Your hair," she saw what she was doing and quit it.

"Sorry," she smiled sheepishly at him.

"No, don't worry. It's perfectly fine," he laughed as she did also yet nervously.

"Anyway, I best get going and call my friend to pick me up." She got up, he did also.

"I can drive you, I know we don't know each other's names but you seem nice." He told her, she nodded.

"Sure, I'm Katara." She stuck out a hand, he shook it while saying his name.

"I'm Aang," he smiled a crooked grin.


"Thanks a lot, I really appreciated that." She told him, he looked through her sapphire eyes.

"No worries," he agreed.

She then kissed his cheek, "There, that's a better thank you." She then was about to go, but he stopped her slightly.

"And this is a better 'your welcome'," he gave her a kiss. However, he backed away before she could return it. She blushed then went, waving goodbye.

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