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get ready, the 1st few paras will result in some tears. it will get happier tho near the end i promise🤞🏻.

The water bender sat down, it had been the tenth late night this month. Frankly, it was only the tenth of this month. Her daughter joined her, "Where's Dad?" She asked, her mother sighed. "I have no clue, he's been like this since I turned 50." She stated, much to her disappointment. Then she heard the door open, The twenty-one year old and her brother went upstairs. "Sweetie!" He said, he found his wife sitting down. She was furious, it had been almost a year of this. "S-" He got interrupted, "Where were you?" She asked, he was silent. "Where. Were. You?"

Still nothing, "Where. Were. You?" She shouted, "With another girl? At a meeting? WHERE?!" She demanded, at this point she didn't even want to know where. She then walked over to give him a kiss, he looked away almost wincing. He had done this before, of course. She sighed, "Y'know what, I'm not bothered anymore. You can cheat on me, you can come home at ridiculous times. I don't care-" She stated, going upstairs. While there, she just cried. It was obvious he was in love with someone else, in her head. She didn't know the truth however, if only she actually did...


"Good morning, Sweetie." She told herself, impersonating her husband. "Oh, good morning Sweetie." She said, in her normal voice. Their children except their oldest son were having breakfast, "Where's your father?" She asked, "I dunno." The youngest said, lying. They both knew he was busy with something special for her, but didn't say to keep it secret. She then was reading a book until her husband's lemur came, it was holding a letter. (a bit like owls in hp) She took it, it read: "Dear the one I love, please go to the garden at ten." She rolled her eyes.

She thought it wasn't for her, but still accepted it. She went upstairs to get dressed, after a while it turned nine. "Spirits, time flies." She told herself, she then got everything sorted. It was then five minutes to ten, she found a trail. She sighed, then approached somewhere. She found her husband there, he went up to her. She glared at him, he gave her a kiss after almost a year of none. They then went, she really wondered why he was being like this. Unfortunately for him, she had completely forgotten what day it was. But he didn't mind, she loved her after all...


"So, Sweetie. Take a guess of the day." He said, "It's Tuesday." She stated the obvious, "Well yes, but it's a special Tuesday in two ways." He told her, she rolled her eyes. "Why is it so special then?" She asked, "Well the war ended thirty-seven years ago yesterday." He stated, indicating something. She then realised and gave him another kiss, he gave it back. "You know I love you, right?" He asked, she nodded. "Yes, I love you too." She admitted, he picked up her chin. She looked up at him and smiled, he kissed her forehead. "You love making me feel special."

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