Old love

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The Water Tribe non bender stood up as soon as his sister left, crying her eyes out. "What the spirits, Aang?" He asked, the air bender looked at him.

"What? Am I not allowed to love anyone?!" He shouts, his best friend shouts back.

"No, you are. But my sister has been there for you, for a year and this is how you repay her?!" He shouts, the air bender kisses his girlfriend then runs after her.


"What do you want?" She asked, he came over to her.

"Listen, you are so selfish! I have a girlfriend and you want to be with me?!" He shouted at her, she cried.

"I actually love you Aang, she only wants your title!" She shouts, he looks at her hurt.

"How dare you say t-" He got interrupted by her lips, he joined her.

She put her hands on his cheeks, he then backed away to speak. "So, do you love me or her?" She asked, he sighed.

"You, of course." He stated, she kissed his forehead as they were almost the same height.

She put her lips to his, she breathed during the kiss. "I love you." He replied with,

"I love you, too." Then his girlfriend came,

 "Aang-y!" She said, he turned around.

"Sorry not sorry Terra but, we're over." He told her, she sent a rock towards the other girl.

She dodged it with water, causing the young teen to fall. Then the 15 year old looked at the 13 year old, "I l-" He interrupted with a kiss, she joined it in front of the earth bender.

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