Sorrowful story

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Aang's POV

I saw mine and my prepossessing wife's children playing, then I see my wife crying. I put my hand on her shoulder and bend down, "What's wrong?" I ask, she looks at me. "The kids, they asked me about your scar." She said, stuttering from tears. "What did you answer?" I wondered, she shook her head. "I said that I didn't have a clue, I know we shouldn't lie to them but I can't say." She mentioned, "I'll tell them." I suggest, she nods. I then go outside to find my kids there.

Katara's POV

I look out the door, "Dad, how did you get your scar?" The oldest son asks, "Well,  I'll tell you." My husband says, they all nod and sat down. "So, basically when the war was still going on me, your mother, your Uncle Sokka and your Aunt Toph went to Ba Sing Se." He began, they nodded. "Anyway, your mother and I were against your Uncle Zuko and his sister." He continued, then Tenzin put his hand up. "Yes, Tenzin?" He asked, "I thought Uncle Zuko was on your side."

Aang's POV

I looked at my youngest son, "Well, you're right but he wasn't for an entire seven months." I say, he nods. I continue after, "Basically, Uncle Zuko's sister struck me with lightning in a fight." I mention, "But Dad, no one can survive lightning to the near chest." Kya said, "You are very right, Kya. In fact I was in the Avatar State too which made it worse. Basically she then killed me..." I tell them, they all silently gasp. "But Mother said, she didn't have a clue what happened." The younger son said, "Ah, well. It was very tough for her, my death, as she had to heal me." I stated.

Katara's POV

"So how are you still alive?" Bumi asked, I sat down next to my husband. "Your mother healed me so I was well enough to live but I was in a coma for another three weeks." He told them, I kissed his cheek. "Ew, oogies." The two oldest children said, "Where'd you learn that word from?" I asked, "Uncle Sokka." Our daughter said, I rolled my eyes. "Of course you did." I said, laughing. "I hope you two realise, this will be you in the future." Their younger brother said, his elder sister gagged. "I don't want to have a boyfriend or husband." She stated, bluntly.  

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