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The air bender looked up at his father's statue, "Hey Dad, nice to see you again... I got my air bending! It was from a time when me, Kya and Tenzin went into the Spirit World. I hope you're proud of me." He stated, "He is." He turned around and saw his mother, "Oh hello." He awkwardly said, "I was just y'know, cleaning Dad's statue." He added lying, she rolled her eyes. "Bumi, I've known you since technically before you were born." She reminded him, he sighed. She looked up at her dead husband's statue, "You miss him, don't you?" He asked, she nodded.

"Everyday, we were together for 54 years." She sighed, a tear rolling down her face. He put a hand on her shoulder, she smiled. "He tried his hardest, no: He was not a perfect father, but he cared for you and Kya so much." She assured him, he gave her a hug. He then got going, and she looked up at the statue. After closing the door, she sat down on a chair... Then she sighed. This was going to be awkward, for sure. Yet, she didn't care if it was going to be. All she wanted was a talk, and that's what she was going to get. A talk... To herself...

"Hey Sweetie, good to see you. I guess." She cried, "It's been twenty-two years, but I haven't found anyone else. You're the only one for me, always. As you called me your forever girl, I guess, you're my forever boy." She sighed with more tears coming down her eyes, she breathed. "I hope to see you again soon, it's a bit weird to be hoping for my death but... If it means I get to see you again, I don't care." She smiled through the pain and tears, then she got up to go from there. "I love you." She stated, then felt a cold hand. She turned around, "I love you, too."

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