A sad celebration

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The water bender sat down, her younger son looked at her. "You okay, Mother?" He asked her, she nodded.

"I'm fine, don't worry." She assured him, her granddaughter then came along with her now husband.

"Gran Gran, you're here!" She exclaimed, the elder woman smiled.

"Of course! Why would I miss my own granddaughter's wedding?" She asked, the younger smiled back.

Then the current Avatar came, with her fiance, "Hello, Master Katara." She bowed, her teacher bowed back slightly.

"Hello Korra, and hello Asami." She replied, looking at the Republic City citizen.

"Hello," she smiled.

The water bender looked at the Avatar once more, yet thought she saw her dead husband. "Mother, are you sure you're okay?" Her son asked, she glared.

"Yes, Tenzin. I'm fine," she assured as four of the people left. As her other two children came, to join their older brother. Another supposed vision of her husband came, when she saw her elder son.

"Mom, it's great to see you." The younger water bender mentioned, her elder brother nodded in agreement.

She started to cry slightly, "Mom?! Are you okay?" He asked, she nodded.

"Yes, I just wish your father were here to see this." She sniffled, putting her hand to her necklace's pendant.

"We all do, Mother. He would've been honoured to see two air benders' wedding, absolutely." Her younger son agreed, with a nod of agreement from his older siblings.


She then sat down again, her only two still alive friends joined her. "Hey Sugar Queen," the earth bender said.

"Hey Toph, how are things at the swamp?" She asked, she shrugged.

"I dunno, I decided to come back to Republic City to watch my great grand-kids grow up." She laughed a bit, getting a small laugh from the others. "Anyway, Sparky; You're giving me a lift on that dragon." She added, they then go up.

"They do not grow up, those two. Do they?" She heard, she turned around. Nothing, she sighed and got up but was stopped. "Hey," she yet again heard. She turned around yet again, and felt hands on hers.

Shortly after, one of the hands touched her cheek, she knew from this she was not seeing things. Looking up, she saw the spirit of her husband. "Sweetie!" She uttered as a call-out, the spirit wiped her tears.

"I'll always love you, my forever girl..." Then, nothing. Unfortunately for her, this was just her imagination playing tricks on her.

She then sat back down, and felt the carved pendant of her betrothal necklace. She smiled slightly, then spoke:

"And I'll always love you, my forever boy..."

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