Blocked for love pt1

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The Avatar sighed, looking down. His fire bending teacher came, "Hey Av- Aang," he corrected himself.

"Oh, hey Zuko; Listen, I need your help with something." He stated, the master fire bender nodded and came to the twelve year old.

"What's it about?" He asked, the kid of the two males sighed.

"It's about a girl but Sokka can't know..." He mentioned, putting his fingers together.

"Oh, I dunno if I can help you with that... I've only been with Mai and she kinda hates me, and I went on a date but only saw her twice." He laughed nervously, then spoke. "What do you need help with anyway?" He questioned, with genuine curiosity.

"It's just, I kinda gave up the Avatar State for her but I dunno if she likes me..." He told the almost adult, who nodded.

"You ever kissed her?" He queried, hoping not slightly.

"Yeah, we kissed twice." He mentioned, the seventeen year old nodded.

"Right, that's not what I was expecting from a twelve year old but okay..." He awkwardly said, the air bender smiled sheepishly at this. "Wait, you blocked the Avatar State for a girl?!" He shouted slightly, but what they didn't know was that the water bender was there behind.

She became worried, worried that the love for him from her was one-sided. "Yeah, but I dunno how to tell her." He added, she sighed silently with a few tears.

"I'm gonna take a wild guess but, you're talking about Toph?" The fire bender guessed, she looked with more tears.

"No! I see her as a sister and a sister only." He folded his arms, and turned around.

"Katara? I know, she's a mother figure for you and all but if not Toph then-" She walked off, crying.

"I mean, no-o-o." He laughed nervously, the other bender raised his only non burnt eyebrow.

"Aang, tell her. That's all I can say, it's gonna be worth it." He then went, and kept the door open in case.

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