First things

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The air bender arrived to the wall, he saw the water bender he loves. She saw him too, but sighed as she kind of rejected him so she sorted her hair. "So, I was curious. Who was everyone's first kiss?" Her brother asked, he sighed.

"I haven't had it yet..." He lied, hurting her a lot.

'I know I kinda rejected him, but how can he deny that we kissed three times?!'  She thought to herself, "Yeah, same." She also lied, the earth bender knew they were lying but didn't say anything.

"Mine was my ex girlfriend, Mai." The fire bender sighed, the male warrior looked.

"That- That's rough buddy." He emphasised, he nodded.

"On the lips no one but on the cheek-" The earth bender started, the female warrior blushed at the memory.

"Yeah, let's not talk about that." She nervously laughed, her boyfriend turned to her. "Mine was the foaming mouth guy at Kyoshi Island, we even dated until I was fifteen." She sighed, laughing.

"I'm not saying any names but two people here lied about their first kiss." The earth bender admitted, everyone was confused except the air bender and water bender.


"How can you lie about something as important as we did?" She asked him, he looked at her.

"You rejected me, so why do you care?!" He half shouted, she started to cry.

"I didn't reject you, I just said 'not now'." She said, he rolled his eyes.

"Why are you confused?" He asked, she sighed.

"Because of the war, I don't want to be heartbroken." She sobbed, he glared.

"You don't want to be heartbroken because your stupid 'boyfriend' won't live?!" He questioned, almost mocking her. 

"No, I don't have a boyfriend. I wish I did, but he could die-" He rolled his eyes, she wept.

"Great to know, so what's his name?" He almost begged, she shook her head. "Say it, Katara. It's okay, I'm on your side." He nearly made him the victim, she shook her head again.

He still begged, she walked over to him. Their lips landed an inch apart, "It's you." She muttered, he connected their lips to each other. She put her hands on his cheeks, he put his on her waist.

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