The dating game pt1

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Katara's POV

I saw my brother's friend, he waved to me. I sat down, "You're Katara, right?" He asked, I nodded. He nodded back, "I'm Aang." He stated, "Listen, you're actually more beautiful in person." He laughed nervously, I smiled as he did a crooked grin. Then someone came, "What can I get you two?" They asked, "Water." He stated, "And you?" They asked me, "Same as him." I stated, they then went. He sighed, "You good?" I queried, he did a gesture stating a 'yes-no' answer. "How so?" I asked, "It's too hard to hear." He answered, "Try me." I replied, he sighed.

Aang's POV

"It's the anniversary of my parents' death..." I told her, she nodded. "I kinda know how you feel-" She replied, I looked at her. "My mother died when I was young, and my dad is in hospital because he almost died." She stated, I put my hand on hers. She smiled, our waters then came. She looked at my tattoos, "What?" I nicely asked, "What are those for?" She queried, "Air bending." I smiled, she nodded. I then water bent the water into a spiral, she stared yet again. "You just said you're an air bender-" She stated, I nodded. "Avatar." I just said, "Ah." She said.

Katara's POV

Almost half an hour later, our food came. "I'm actually really enjoying this-" I told him, "-It's good news, there'll be another few." I continued, laughing. He laughed with me, "I am too, you're really nice to talk to." He told me, I agreed. "You two, my brother was right. You're really kind." I smiled, then we got going. "So, come with me." He suggested, we approached a building. We then went inside, "Li-" He kissed me, as an interruption. I gave it back, his hands reached my lower waist. Unexpectedly, I did the same. I then slightly backed away, he looked at me.

Aang's POV

"I'm so sorry." I said, she kissed me as a sign that it's okay. I looked at her, she looked at me. "We're going too fast, aren't we?" She wondered, I shook my head. "You're a great person, I don't care if we are." I state, just before kissing her. She gives it back, then we back away from each other. "I love you..." She told me, I picked up her chin. "I love you too." I told her, she put her hand on my lower waist as I put mine on hers. She then gets her bag, "Wait, where are you going?" I ask, "I better go, see you next week. Same place, same time." She smiled, I nodded.

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