Ember Island

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The six friends sat down, then the fire bender mentioned. "Y'know, when I went here before. There were two women who said, 'Ember Island reveals the true you'." He said, they all looked excited.

They then went outside, the fire benders started a fire shortly after. "Okay, so I know this is weird but how about we tell stories?" The female warrior asked, they all agreed to it.

"Okay, my one is from the Southern Water Tribe. Katara, you can correct me or whatever." The male warrior began, they all nodded. "Okay, it was a night time raid of the Water Tribes. They were taking water benders, left and right until there was one visible. He looked around, throwing ice. The ice froze the Fire Nation, and they were stuck..." He said, she nodded. It didn't actually happen, but it was a tale.


After hours of telling stories, they sat down. It only took one person for them all to crack, but it didn't end well... "Oh, you find my stories annoying! Maybe it's because I was kept from the world for twelve years!" The blind girl shouted at the female warrior, she put her hands on her hips.

"Well, at least I can see and I don't have a crush on my best friend's boyfriend!" She shouted back, the young teen got into fighting position.

"Alright guys, stop it." The air bender said, the fire bender shouted.

"This is why I was searching for you for three years, you're annoying as a sheep-goat!" He shouted, the only kid there got mad.

"Maybe because I was in a freaking iceberg for 100 years!" He screamed, the fire bender got mad still.

"UGH, Sugar Queen. We get it, just because you're in love with Twinkle Toes doesn't mean you can defend him always!" The earth bender shouted, the water bender eyed her.

Trying to justify herself, "So what if I am?! He's also my best friend!" She just shouted, to make things worse for herself.


After an hour or so, they calmed down. "So, you mean to tell me my sister and best friend are in love?" The male warrior asked, the blind girl sighed.

"Kinda, they both love each other. But neither of them have the freaking guts to tell each other, even thought they kissed twice." She stated, the male warrior eyed the air bender.

"Sokka, stop it. And I am not in love with Aang!" She lied, the air bender sighed and walked off. She joined him, he looked at her.


"Thanks for leading me on." He told her, she sat with him.

"I didn't I-" She got interrupted,

"YOU DIDN'T?! OH WOW(!) YOU TOTALLY DIDN'T JUST SAY THAT AFTER WE FREAKING KISSED TWICE!" He shouted at her, it pained her to see him hurt.

He turned him around, "Come." She said, he did as he was told.

"What n-" He got interrupted by a kiss by her, he shortly after the shock he was given gave it back. 


The four others walked in on them, "A-" The male warrior got interrupted by his sister, who was slightly mad.

"Don't get mad at him, get mad at me. I don't care." She smiled, hugging him.

He blushed, "Well, I called it." The earth bender said, they all laughed...

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