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Full Name(It'd be way too long otherwise): Maybe You Shouldn't Listen To Everything Your Elders Tell You...

this 1shot is from kataras pov btw :)


Growing up, me and my brother always thought of our Gran Gran as the wisest person ever. She told us, as Water Tribe tradition, you should marry someone from the Water Tribe. The woman should be younger, and the man older. I always thought this was the case, for years on end.

Then I met my husband, Aang. Yes, he is older than me technically but biologically I'm a year and a half older than him. My brother is even married to someone older than him by half a year, as she was 16 when he was 15.

And also neither of us married someone from the Water Tribe, of course my husband is a citizen- But, he's an Air Nomad and always will be. As is Suki, she's from the Earth Kingdom and always will be.

I'm glad I married who I married, as we make each other the happiest people in the world. And that is all that matters, not the nation they're from or whether I'm older or he is. Maybe you shouldn't listen to everything your elders tell you...

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