Short lasting heartbreak pt2

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The water bender looked at the picture of her and the Avatar she still loved, with a sigh. "Everyone gets a happy ending but me..." She muttered to herself, then the air bender walked in on her crying.

"Hey, you okay?" He checked, she rolled her eyes.

"Never better(!)" She stated, he made her turn around to him.

"Listen, I dunno why you're being like this." He replied, stupidly according to her.

"You don't?! Maybe you should find out the person you're dating as of ten years is planning on proposing! To someone else." She half shouted, he laughed slightly.

"What are you talking about?" He asked, she looked at him.

"What are you talking about?" She asked, he put his hand on her shoulder.

He then sighed and took out a necklace, almost identical to the one she was wearing. The only difference was it was a mix of the Air Nomad and Southern Water Tribe symbols. She looked up at him, "I didn't want it to seem like we were breaking up, so when you said that it broke me. But all I can really ask is," he took a deep breath before asking this important question. "Will you marry me, Katara?"

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