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The Avatar and his wife walked around Ba Sing Se, he looked at her to make sure she's okay. "The poor woman, she doesn't know that she's being treated as a trophy wife." Someone said, she started to cry at this.

"Yeah, it's horrid that the Avatar is using her." Another agreed, she just hurried on. 

"I mean, who would like her? She's disgustingly ugly, and a stupid Water Tribe peasant." A last person agreed, he turned around to see his wife crying.

"Sweetie, what's wrong?" He asked her, she shook her head.

"It's fine, you wouldn't care anyways." She then walked off, leaving her husband now on the verge of tears.


She then packed some things, her elder son walked in. "Mom, what are you doing?" He asked her, she put a hand on his shoulder.

"I'm leaving, but don't worry. It'll be okay," she then kissed his forehead and walked downstairs. Her daughter and younger son ran to her, "You two okay?" She asked, they nodded.

"Mom, do you and Dad have a meeting?" The younger water bender asked, she shook her head.

"No, I'm leaving. Don't worry, it'll be okay I promise." She kissed both of their foreheads then got up, and left... Or attempted to, anyway.


"Sweetie, where are you going?" Her husband pleaded with her, she rolled her eyes.

"Why would you care?" She asked, mad.

"Because I'm your husband, and I do care." He beseeched, she ignored him but he brought her to him.

"Li-" He interrupted with a kiss, she cried during it.

"Please, without you I'm nothing. If it wasn't for you, I'd be dead ages ago- From the iceberg, from lightning, and from heartbreak." He cried to her, she looked up at him. "I need you... Please, Sweetie." He begged more, she started to cry more.

"I need you, too." She replied, before giving him a kiss back.

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