Forever girl

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this sounds rlly dumb but what if the forever girl daydream wasnt a daydream?

The water bender walked over to him, "Aang, you should get some rest." She said, he shook his head.

"Actually, staying awake has given me lots of time to think." He said to her, she looked at him.

"Like what?" She asked, he sighed.

"Who I'm actually ending the war for-" She interrupted him, with this.

"You're doing it for the world!" She told him, amazed.

"No, I'm doing it for the people I love. I'm doing it for you, Katara." He confessed, she silently gasped.

"What are you saying?" She questioned, he walked towards her.

The two of them were almost an inch apart, "I'm saying, I love you!" He told her, kissing her.

She delved into it, then they broke apart. "What are we doing?" She queried, he put his hands out.

"What our hearts have been telling us to do for a long, long time-" He brought her down, "Baby, you're my forever girl." He said, kissing her again.

She joined it, her hands on his face. His hands on her waist, "I love you, Aang." She said, he smiled with a slight smirk.

"I love you too, Katara." He said, they then had another kiss.


Then her brother and their friend came, walking in on them.

"Uh, guys?" He said, they stopped. "I think that you think this is a daydream, oh young Avatar." He joked, the twelve year old looked at him.

"UGH, HOW CAN I BE SO STUPID!" He then runs along, the fourteen year old joined him.

"Aang-" She said, he ignored her.

"Look, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have embarrassed myself, you have every right to be mad at me." He admitted, she smiled.

"It's not that, it's that- Y'know, I didn't mind that one bit." She stated, he glared at her.

"You're just saying that because you don't want me to be heartbroken, aren't you?" He asked her.

She approached him, he was about to speak but his lips were stopped by hers. "I love you." She said, during this kiss.

"I love you, too." He said, they then stopped and smiled.

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