Forever girl pt2

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The air bender looked at the water bender, "You love me?" He asked, she nodded.

"Since our first kiss, I've had a crush on you since we went to see Aunt Wu." She confesses, he gives her a kiss. She joined it, her hands near his hair.

"You're gorgeous." He stated, to her.

"Shush up, I'm not." She answered, he looked at her.

"You are, so beautiful." He said, jokingly mad.

"Well, thank you. You are pretty handsome, Avatar." She stated to him, he kissed her forehead even though she was a few inches taller.

She blushed, "I still can't believe that wasn't a daydream, that was so embarrassing!" He stated, she silently humphed and crossed her arms. "What?" He queried, she ran her hands through his chocolate brown hair.

"I found it sweet, I am honoured to be your forever girl." She told him, he blushed.

"You were the only one." He told her, she blushed now. Then they had another kiss, passionate and long. Her arms were round his waist and his round hers...

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