'Not' good enough

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this is 1 of the longest 1shots ive ever written, so keep in mind that!

The Avatar looked out to the balcony, upset. But it made sense, why would she choose him? "You okay, Aang?" His best friend asked, he shook his head. "What's wrong?" He added, the air bender looked at him like 'seriously?!'

"Look," he pointed. The non bender nodded, seeing the sight.

"Listen, I'm sorry we didn't tell you sooner..." He awkwardly mentioned, making the bender cry more.

"You mean to tell me, the girl of my dreams has been dating my friend for longer than now?!" He stormed off with tears in his eyes, this was not a great thing to see for sure.


The water bender walked into his room, "You okay?" She asked, he glared at her.

"Just fine(!), maybe you should find out that someone you love is dating someone else!" He shouted at her, she came to him.

"What?!" She asked, also with tears in her eyes now.

"Oh great(!), did he just break up with you or something?" He meanly teased, not knowing that he was hurting her.

She walked off, "Goodbye, for now..." She stated, before closing the door.


Upon leaving, she rested her back on the door with a vast amount of tears in her eyes. "You okay, 'Tara?" Her brother asked, she shook her head.

"No," she cried.

He got down, "What's wrong, did you and Zuko-y'know- break up?" He questioned, she glared at him.

"Are you kidding me?! Me and him aren't even dating!" She yelled at him, he nodded.

"Oh right, sorry. It's just you two were acting really close," he awkwardly backed away.


The next day, she went to the Avatar's room. "Hey, Aang." She said, to the other side.

"What do you want?!" He asked, she opened it. "I said, 'what do you want?!'" He repeated, she walked over to him. "L-" She then gave him a long kiss, that he gave back much to her shock.

"I love you..." She uttered to him, with tears in her eyes.

He wiped the tears, and took her hands to his. "I love you too..." He uttered back, before she gave him another long kiss.

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