No air, no life

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The water bender looked out the window, her student water bender joined her. "Oh hello, Korra." She said, the Avatar smiled. "Happy birthday." She said, Korra smiled again. "Thank you!" The just water bender sighed, "Katara, what- Oh, I get it. I'm so sorry." She said, solemnly. "It's fine, it's been 30 years." She mentioned, the bender of all elements put her hand on the 98 year old woman. Then a woman came, she was holding a child. "Gran Gran!" She said, happily. The elder woman stared at her, confused by the name she was just called by the young woman.

"Who are you?" She asked, "Jinora, your oldest grandchild." The woman said, she nodded. "Do you want to hold him?" She asked, holding her son. Her grandmother nodded, "What's his name?" She asked, holding him. "Aang, after Grandpa Aang." The young woman said, the elder started to cry. "Y'know, I'm really tired." She said, everyone there nodded. She went to bed, then sighed."Still 2 more great grandchildren, before I can see you Sweetie." She said, crying vastly...

She opened her eyes, it was somewhere she didn't recognise. She looked at herself, all of a sudden younger. She then felt arms wrap around her, she looked down. Blue arrows... She turned around and saw her husband who had been dead for already 30 years, they cried. "Sweetie? Is that you or is this a dream?" She asked, he shook his head. "It's real, I promise." He assured her, she gave him a kiss that they hadn't had for 3 long decades. "I love you, Sweetie."

He smiled at her words, "I love you too." He said, leaving her also smiling. Then they saw their friend chatting with a young-looking woman, "Would ya look at that? You're finally reunited, after years." Their friend said, he nodded as he still cried. Then a man came running, with a woman holding his hand. "Wait- Katara?" The man asked, his sister wrapped her arms around him. "Seriously, no hug for me? I mean I was evil but still." The Fire Nation woman said, laughing.

"That's what happens when you're evil for most of your life." The past Fire Lord says, she rolls her eyes. "Anyway, welcome to the water bender who defeated me in the middle of Sozin's Comet." She says, in open arms. The water bender hugs her husband, for safety. "I probably deserve that, I did kill your best friend after all." She said, the water bender then gives the fire bender a hug. It shows she redeemed herself so she's decided to move past it, for the better.

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