A story

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The water bender sat down, and looked over to her and her husband's children. "Yes?" She asked, the elder of the two sons put down his hand.

"Could we have a story?" He asked, she sighed with a nod.

"What kind of story?" She questioned, her daughter spoke.

"The one where you met Dad!" She suggested, the adult nodded. 

"Well," she laughed slightly, "it was some story. So basically, me and your Uncle Sokka went fishing one day. He was extremely sexist then, so I called him out about it. Then, all of a sudden our boat was destroyed from a lot of ice." She explained, her younger son put up a hand. "Yes, Tenzin?" She queried with a smile, he spoke.

"Does this story involve kissing?" He teased slightly, she blushed.

"No, don't worry." She then continued, "Anyway, then we saw in the iceberg a figure with glowing arrows and eyes... And that was your father there," she then looked to find them asleep.

"What happened next?" She turned around to see her husband with a smile, she ran to him.

"Sweetie! I missed you," she hugged him.

"I missed you too, Sweetie." He kissed her forehead, "I love you, y'know." He uttered to her, she then uttered four words before kissing him.

"I love you, too."

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