"Only jealous"

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The Avatar and his wife walked around Ba Sing Se, with a lot of people whispering. They were used to this, he was world famous; of course they would. "Who's she?" Someone asked another person, they shrugged slightly.

"The Avatar's new 'love'." They replied, the water bender held in her tears with dignity.

"New, already?!" The person asked, to which the other nodded.

"Yeah, there's even rumours that he got a woman nearby here pregnant. I don't believe it much, but it's leaning towards being true." They answered, the person nodded.


The water bender sat down, disheartened. Her husband came, "You okay, Sweetie?" He asked, she got up.

"Do you love me?" She asked him, with a few tears on each of her two cheeks.

He looked at her, upset in the fact she had to ask this. "Of course," he mentioned to her.

"No, you don't. I get it, don't worry." He then stopped her from going, she eyed him.

"Why did you ask me that?" He queried, she sighed.

"A lot of people were saying that you're using me, and that you cheated..." She sniffled slightly, he scoffed slightly.

"Sweetie, they're only jealous I love you and you only." He admitted, she smiled through the tears.

"I love you so much, Sweetie." She told him, he then spoke a few words before giving her a kiss.

"I love you so much too, Sweetie."

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