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hyunjin watched intensely at the boy who lay beneath him. the pretty noises that left his full lips were noises that made his heart flutter. just to hear a small whine of "hyunjinnie-ah" made him go crazy. sex with jeongin felt too good to be true, he was the perfect boy in question.

outside of the bedroom he was soft spoken and rather cute, walking around with a big smile which was sure to brighten your day. he looked like the type of boy you would be proud to take home to your parents as he was so sweet and loving. although, as soon as the kisses turn more rough his cute front fades to a not so innocent male.

jeongin was a complete tease. he often left hyunjin hard and not dealing with it himself, sending him naughty pictures at work, dirty talking to him whilst in front of many others... the list went on for quite a while. the male liked to spice things up often and never left hyunjin bored with him.

"fuck babe." hyunjin groaned once they had finished their... activities. jeongin let out a mere hum and slipped under the sheets. he knew there was no point trying to clean or clothe himself as he was momentarily paralysed after one two many rounds.

hyunjin sat up on the edge of his bed and lit a cigarette, inhaling as he turned to look at the younger passed out beside him. "already asleep hm." he mumbled and moved pieces of the boys bangs out from his eyes. hyunjin admired how peaceful jeongin looked when he had fallen asleep, studying his features.

hyunjins tounge swiped over his lower lip as he put out his cigarette in the ash tray on the table beside his bed. cigarettes, strawberries and sex. these mix of scents smelt so familiar to hyunjin it felt almost comforting. he lay down besides the younger male leaving one last chaste kiss on jeongins bruised neck. it felt like he was contradicting himself after lust taking over his body and attacking jeongins body with love bites and marks to now kissing him oh so softly over them.

this was the side jeongin never saw. he fell asleep too fast out of exhaustion only knowing the rough and dominate hyunjin who was controlled by lust. but hyunjin wasn't as sex driven as the younger thought. every night after their hook ups, hyunjin stayed up for a while to make sure jeongin was safe and comfortable. he would often clean him up and get him dressed as jeongin was a heavy sleeper he would barely even notice.

once the smaller was cleaned up and covered with one of his shirts, hyunjin lazily did the buttons up and tucked him back into bed along with himself. jeongin subconsciously snuggled into his neck which made him only sigh.

hyunjin took a glance at him one last time before shutting his eyes to attempt to fall asleep. "if only you knew the things i felt for you jeongin."

hi guys <3 thanks for
choosing this book, i
hope yall enjoy :)) this
chapter may seem
confusing but it's a
teaser into what's to
comein the future ! a
main theme of this
book is smut so if you
don't like lots of smut
this is not the right
book for you. the first
chapter with smut in
will include a warning
but the rest won't as it
might spoil the chapter
etc, so if you don't like
that just don't read as i
won't change that.

- love, rin <3

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