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it had been roughly a week and a half since jeongin properly saw hyunjin, sure the two had spoken around the office but nothing more than business talk. jeongin felt so annoyed that hyunjin had begged for him only to leave him hanging, waiting and longing for him. he had enough of waiting around for hyunjin to give him the attention he wanted, but he felt to nervous to confront him about it. he turned weak around hyunjin, the male made him turn submissive as hell in every scenario. jeongin acted like a damsel in distress and wanted hyunjin to come and help him everytime. confronting him only made jeongin terrified.

the blonde looked up from his computer screen to see hyunjin talking to a coworker, who had to be the most prettiest girl that worked there. why had jeongin never seen her around and why was she so touchy around hyunjin. jeongin felt jealousy take over him once the girls hand touched the brunettes chest. "it's fine don't worry about it..." he mumbled to himself trying to avert his gaze from the two but the giggles from the woman were to loud to ignore.

jeongin got up out of his chair and walked over to hyunjin without thinking, gulping once he saw the olders puzzled look. "can i talk to you for a second?" the smaller asked in a small voice waiting for a reply. "in your office. it's private." he added with more forced, annoyed that the woman was still there. hyunjin chucked at jeongins so obvious jealousy and walked with him to his office.

"so what is it inn-" hyunjins question got cut off by jeongins hungry lips on his. the older was slightly taken back at the sudden action but eased into it quickly, holding the youngers sides as the kissed. they made out for a while, their kiss being sloppy and needy with only one thing in both of their minds. sex. hyunjin pulled away first and looked at the smaller boy with a slight grin, "missed me huh?" he said teasingly, grazing his thumb over jeongins swolen lips. "yes i did." the blonde replied with a small pout making hyunjin tilt the youngers head up so they were staring at eachother.

"you've been so patient this week... you don't know how badly i've wanted to rip these tight clothes off of your body every day. it annoys me to see your neck so clear and you being able to walk without a limp." hyunjin spoke quietly into the blondes ear, softly nibbling his lobe in between his words. jeongin only nodded his head and relaxed into the touch, closing his eyes a little. his neck was soon being attacked with hickeys and soft nibbled, making jeongin moan a little too loud as hyunjin found his sweet spot quite quickly. "shh a little more quiet princess, the walls are thin." hyunjin said and pushed jeongins body against the door - as he marked his neck - locking the door with his free hand.

jeongin felt naughty having hyunjins hands all over him whilst they were still at work and that made him turned on for some reason. "fuck me." jeongin panted and hyunjin picked up the boy almost instantly, his legs wrapping around his waist. the brunette cleared his table with one swift movement and plopped jeongin down, connecting their lips for yet another hungry kiss; undressing eachother during. once the kiss parted the older ran his fingers along jeongins skin, circling over the faded hickeys on his collarbone and v-line. "you're so pretty jeongin, you have no idea what you do to me baby boy."

jeongin looked up at hyunjin with his cheeks decorated with a soft blush, he hated how the older made him feel; he didn't want to fall in love with anyone but the presence of hyunjin made him believe that he should. jeongin was now lay down on his back, his bare skin touching the desk and he waited for hyunjin. the younger was left in nothing but his boxers which made him shiver often as the room was cold, "jinnie-ahh" jeongin whined slightly inpatient. the whining made the boy receive a spank which made him jolt up a bit, another whimper leaving his lips.

"always inpatient aren't you." hyunjin smirked and pulled off the boys boxers, staring at him hungrily and pulled open the top drawer of his desk to get out lube. jeongin thought about how many people hyunjin had fucked on the same spot he lay which made him frown a little, no one would keep lube at their job if they didn't fuck literally anyone who was attractive; hyunjin fell under that category of being a manslag (lol). hyunjin leant down and connected their lips, kissing slower and more delicate then their previous make outs. he applied the lube onto his fingers and began to prep the younger, putting in one finger first. he felt their kiss become more sloppy as jeongin was concentrating more on his fingers which he found amusing.

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