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jeongin got up from off the bed, keeping his phone up on the nightstand and walking off to where hyunjin kept the toys and what not. after hyunjin telling him he wanted jeongin to just use a vibrator that calmed him a little, he hated using dildos as simply, he was too lazy. once he had sank back down on the bed he placed the objects beside him, different sized vibrators and lube.

"be a good boy and prep yourself."

those words sounded so hot to jeongin, hyunjin knew the boy was a sucker for praise and being told what to do so mixing the both made him extremely eager. jeongin nodded his head and slid down his panties and throwing them off somewhere.

"spread your legs then, i want to watch this closely, got it?"

jeongin complied, happy with himself that he had fully shaven everywhere and cleaned himself earlier that day so he was more then happy to show himself off. he raised one leg up on the bed and kept one placed on the floor as he often started to ache if he kept both legs up, again, due to laziness.

"do it how i do it."

and with those words jeongin grabbed the lube and squirted a generous amount to his fingers before circling his entrance. "how you do it?" jeongin asked and received a hum in response from hyunjin. the boy pushed in two fingers at once, gasping out a little and looking up at his phone to make sure his boyfriend could see everything.

"good.. now don't rush yourself, keep it slow and steady baby." hyunjin instructed, pulling his own boxers down now leaving him naked. he began to slowly stroke his cock as he watched jeongin fingering himself.

jeongin began going at a slow pace, shutting his eyes a little and keeping his lower lip clenched in between his teeth. he felt a little weird like this, sure he was used to masturbating but under hyunjins watch was strange - especially because he wasn't actually there.

"just like that princess." hyunjin whispered lowly, he sounded so hot that jeongin couldn't help but slip out a small moan, so desperate for hyunjin that even his voice was making him feel hot.

"go faster." the older instructed, watching his boyfriend closely as he moved his fingers to a quicker pace - the lighting a little dim so jeongin wasn't too clear but he was seen well enough for hyunjin to not complain.

"ah hyunjin it feels so good!" jeongin whined, as if the older was beside him doing the work for him. it felt shit to be miles away from your boyfriend, especially when their love language was through touch.

"add more baby.. just imagine i'm there too, doing it all to you." and with those words jeongin did as he was told, slipping a third finger into his tight hole, his eyes opening slightly to watch hyunjin as he stared back at him.

"you feel so good!" jeongin choked out, biting his lip softly. "and you take my fingers so well." hyunjin growled lowly - the both of them pretending as if they were beside one another.

this felt weird to jeongin, the whole situation but somehow he loved it. watched as hyunjins gaze stayed fairly stern and stuck on him - lidded eyes as he stroked his cock. he could hear the sloppy sounds of hyunjin jerking himself off behind the screen and that thought alone was enough to make jeongin cum.

to think about hyunjin and how big he was, that thought stayed stuck in his mind. how hyunjins cock was perfect, not small at all, nor too big, and having the right width too. to put it short - jeongin was in love with hyunjin dick, he thought it was rather perfect.

"please, i need more!" jeongin whimpered, his pace becoming slow due to his energy slowly draining from his body the more hot and sweaty he got. "show me which vibrators you have." hyunjin said calmly, slowing down as soon as jeongin did too to match their paces. jeongin removed his fingers with a soft whine and reached over to pick up the few toys he had gathered from earlier.

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