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the air was warm, no longer cold from the days turning to summer. it was only ten o'clock and the sun had only set not long ago, the two walking back home in the warm night. they had decided to go on a date after jeongins constant nagging about how he wanted to go to the faire that was set up near the youngers place - obviously hyunjin would never say no to him.

the olders arm was loosely thrown around jeongins waist and the boy was holding a stick of candy floss, eating it with a wide smile as if he was a little kid. "you're so cute baby." hyunjin said softly, pulling jeongin closer to him as the walked.

the night had been perfect so far: going on rides together, eating different food, chatting about random stuff and just enjoying each other's presence. moments like this made hyunjin realise how serious they were, and that it was no longer a game he was playing - no no no, this was his future, jeongin was his future.

flash back

"jinnie let's go on the ferris wheel!" jeongin said excitedly, dragging the taller boy over to the so called ride that he wanted to go on. hyunjin had not long ago suggested to leave and jeongin being jeongin wasn't having any of it and persuaded his way into going on one more ride, one that they hadn't been on yet.

"it's so high!" hyunjin yelped a little and the smaller giggled at how his usual tough personality had faded into a cute and jumpy one - the hyunjin he preferred a lot more as he often showed his vulnerable side. "ahhh pleaseeee! i've been good all night~" jeongin begged, looking at him with those usual puppy dog eyes that managed to get everything he wanted and more from hyunjins every time.

"fine fine fine! then we're going after ok." hyunjin sighed, giving up almost straight away because who wouldn't give in to jeongin. he sure was cute but that blonde boy was like a little devil sometimes, again, so adorable that it didn't matter.

after hyunjin being dragged onto the ride he was clinging onto jeongin at first but soon let go and relaxed more, admiring the beautiful view from the top. the scene was so pretty and everything felt so romantic the two couldn't help but share a sweet kiss, one that left one another greedy for each others touch.

"jeongin." the older said breathily against jeongins lips, his hands holding firmly on his tiny waist. "be mine, please.. jeongin will you be my boyfriend?" hyunjin asked seemingly out of no where but it felt right, so so so right. jeongin was slightly in shock but soon regained to his senses and hugged hyunjin tightly whilst nodding his head rather enthusiastically.

"yes! hyunjinnie ah.. you mean it!?" the smaller boy said, his eyes twinkling and his eyes brimming with happy tears. he felt so stupid for crying but this was probably the happiest he had felt in a while, those words brought him back to a place he felt safe - and that safe place was hyunjin.

"of course baby. you're mine now, all mine."

end of flash back

"ahh finally were home!" hyunjin said with a small sigh, unlocking jeongins front door with the key he had been given and letting them both in. he turned to the blonde and raised a brow at him, confused why he was stood still with a huge smile, looking a bit silly.

"come on princess, what are you doing." hyunjin chuckled, picking him up bridal style into his arms with a small squeal from jeongin. "i still cant believe you're my boyfriend..!" the younger admitted sheepishly, a small blush decorating his pretty face. hyunjin placed him down on the kitchen counter and closed the front door before going back to jeongin and smashing his lips onto his.

the kiss wasn't rushed nor rough, it felt soft and delicate yet still so needy at the same time. believe it or not jeongin and hyunjin hadn't had sex for almost a week and to normal people that wasn't too long but for those two, well it was rather difficult. they had either been too tired or sleeping at jeongins apartment which felix was also there too and remember what happened last time when they fucked when felix was there ... yikes!

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