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the ride home was completely silent - hyunjin being embarrassed about the other seeing his family life and jeongin still shaken up from all the shouting. seeing hyunjins family act like that only made him think about his, how although he fighting was painful.. at least they were still there to fight back. jeongin was left with no one.

"can we go get ice cream?" the youngest uttered softly, turning his head a little to greet hyunjins eyes back. they were stopped at a traffic light so the brunette was able to look at jeongin - to take in every little detail: how his eyes glistened in the moonlight and his bangs fell perfectly over his forehead.

"hyunjin?" the boy said whilst nudging the older who looked like he was day dreaming off about something, little did he know it was about him. "ah.. what was it again." hyunjin asked and turned his head back to the road once he saw the colours switch from red to green.

"can we get ice cream?" jeongin repeated and hyunjin only nodded in response, placing his hand on the top of the others thigh as he drove. they parked outside a small convenient store that was by the side of hyunjins apartment. "let's go then baby." he mumbled and shivered a little once he stepped out of the car, getting out his coat from the back seat before he got into the shop.

the younger followed behind closely, mentally cursing at himself for not bringing his own coat like hyunjin did but shrugged nevertheless and waddled off into the store after hyunjin, soon interlacing their fingers when they were close enough. "your so clingy, i love it." the brunette mumbled, pulling in the smaller as he spoke and looked aroun the aisles for snacks to take home.

jeongin blushed in response and huddled closer into the olders body to get warmth, shivering a little at the cold temperatures from outside and inside the store from the various fridges and freezers lined up. "you're shivering baby." hyunjins frowned a little and took of his coat in an instant, placing it around the smallers body and rolling his eyes a little. "maybe if you didn't show off so much skin then you'd be warmer..." hyunjin paused once the younger had got the coat on properly, snuggling into it.

"showing off what's mine." the older growled a little, whispering into jeongins ear and then walked off to go get snacks. jeongin stood still, a little dumbfounded with red stained cheeks, "he's so possessive, it's so hot." the younger mumbled to him self and chuckled a little, not wanting to make a fuss as if hyunjin saw him, his ego would've been boosted.

the two met back up at the counter, both holding way too much food for two people to eat but neither of them cared. "is this just for you two boys?" the worker asked with a chuckle, watching as jeongin struggled to get everything on the counter top. hyunjin smirked a little and helped the younger out - placing an arm around his waist once he did.

"yup!" jeongin said happily causing a chuckle to leave the olders mouth, everything jeongin did was so adorable. the boy fumbled around in his pockets to get out his money but looked to see hyunjin already paying for everything and holding the bag ready. "what?" the brunette mumbled and started walking, dragging along the younger who wore a pout.

"why's my princess pouting, hm?" hyunjin said with a raised brow, putting the shopping away into the back of the car. "you don't let me pay for anything, it's annoying!" jeongin whined a little and hyunjin just picked the boy up in his arms and pecked his nose. "because i'm a gentleman, not stop whining or i'll give you something to whine about." hyunjin said sternly at the end, putting jeongin down in his seat.

"stop turning everything sexual!" jeongin spoke with a blush, feeling hot over hyunjins words. the older smirked and walked round to the drivers seat and sat down. his placed a hand on jeongins upper thigh and leant over to kiss his neck.

"i didn't mean in a sexual way, my baby's just always thinking about good i can make you feel hm..?" hyunjin whispered, his breath ticking jeongins neck and made him shiver a little. the two had been together for nearly two months and yet jeongin still felt so shy around him, especially when he acted like this. when hyunjin wasn't even trying to please him, the small touches and the phrases that made him go pink. hyunjin was just so effortlessly sexy with everything he did and it made the blonde melt in his presence.

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