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"i love you."

"y-you love me?" jeongin replied with a slight gasp, not ever thinking those words would leave hyunjins mouth anytime soon. in fact, because of all that had happened with hyunjin the past few weeks, he hadn't expected to hear those words for a while. it felt amazing. jeongin felt like crying right then and there because to hear hyunjin finally saying those precious three words made his heart flutter.

hyunjin cupped the blondes face and looked into his eyes, feeling mesmerised by his beautiful eyes - once's that's seemed to sparkle each time they shared a glance. "i know you must think it not ready yet but i promise i am, even though my brain can't remember everything, my body still can. everything about you is so familiar and natural. i love you innie, i really do."

the blonde couldn't help but slip out a tear, looking up at the older with soft eyes. although jeongin hated how sensitive he got sometimes, for hyunjin to tell him how he felt made him beyond happy - it was the boost he needed that he hadn't received for a while. "oh baby don't cry..." hyunjins whispered calmly, wiping the boys tears with his thumb and leaning down to plant a soft kiss on his lips.

"i'm not crying!" jeongin said cutely whilst making his lips form into a pout. the older only rolled his eyes and wiped away any tears he had missed before, admiring the blondes beauty. hyunjin felt so drawn to jeongin right now, how his eyes sparkled and over all was just so breathtaking.

"you're so beautiful." hyunjin spoke softly, a hand brushing through the youngers hair as he stared into his eyes. although jeongin had been with the boy for almost a year now, nothing had ever made his heart flutter then those words. "jinnie you're being so cute." the younger said with a giggle, pecking hyunjins lips before peppering more kisses all over his face.

"says you princess." he hummed in response and sat up instead of being lay down, pulling jeongin up with him making the boy straddle over his lap. hyunjins hands snaked down to his ass and gave it a soft squeeze making the younger jolt up a bit and giggle. "had to ruin the cute moment jinnie." jeongin said playfully.

"i can't help it! you're ass is just too big to not touch." hyunjin hummed, giving the left cheek a soft slap which made jeongin let out a soft giggle. it may be ten in the morning but that would never stop hyunjin from making something sexual.

"let me get a look at you little one." hyunjin whispered in jeongins ear, the familiar nickname sending shivers down his spine - but more from the fact his hoodie was being taken off and it was pretty cold in their room.

jeongin bit his lip softly at his hyunjin was looking at him, the way his eyes scanned his body so hungrily, hands roaming up on his sides. hyunjin smirked slightly, admiring the hickeys he had left on the boys skin from the previous night. "you're all mine baby." the older male whispered in jeongins ear once again, this time nibbling softly on his lobe and dragging his tongue down to jeongins neck.

jeongin hummed in response, his head rolling to the side to let hyunjin get more access. the younger loved simple touches like this, hyunjins lips all over his skin and the occasional sucking too. the brunette placed his hands on the smallers waist, pushing his hips down for obvious reasons, a whimper escaping the boys lips.

"my baby being sensitive as always i see." hyunjin smirked, one hand sticking to jeongins waist and the other to play with his already sore nipples from the previous night. "jinnie-ahh" jeongin whined softly at the slight pain in his nipples, mostly from how hyunjin seemed to suck both so hard last night they were both bruised. "what now princess?" hyunjin hummed, knowing why he was obviously whining but still liked to ask.

before either could say something else the front door was knocked, making hyunjin audibly groan rather loudly. "what is it with us getting fucking cock blocked." hyunjin said with a heavy frown, pissed off that they had been interrupted three different times.

"awh jinnie ah whose the whiny one now hm." jeongin said before getting up and throwing his hoodie back on, hyunjin following closely mostly to give who ever that was at the door a dirty look to let them know he was pissed off.

jeongin opened the door and was pleasantly surprised to the the olders sister there, holding what seemed to be presents and a warm smile. "yej!" jeongin said excitedly, taking the things out of her hands and placing them in the kitchen before giving her a warm hug. hyunjin walked in not long after, about to ask who was there but happy to see his sister.

"ah so you finally decide to visit then." hyunjin said teasingly, sitting down at the kitchen island and smiling at his sister. "oh shut up." she said with rolling her eyes, before looking back at jeongin and holding his hand. "innie i missed you!" she said softly, more interested in the youngest over her brother.

"hey im here too!" hyunjin whined slightly, feeling left out already but only having the other two continue to chat. he loved this, watching the two people he loved the most get on so well. he wasn't aware that they were so close but seeing them now was amazing, thus making him even more in love with jeongin.

"anyway hyunjin, how are you! you've got your check up tomorrow." yeji said whilst handing hyunjin a bento box she had made for him to make sure her brother was eating properly. she knew jeongin wasn't the best cook and hyunjin was too lazy currently so she had to do what a sister would do to look after her brother.

"all good until you cock blo-" hyunjin paused and fake coughed, cringing at what he said to his litter sister, jeongin chuckling softly. "oh you gross man hyunjin." yeji gagged and turned to jeongin and noticed his neck and smiled softly, although she hated to imagine such things - she was happy the two were ok.

"i missed seeing you two like this."


this is so messy
i'm sorry. but i
can't always be
bringing out
good quality chaps

- rin

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