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"i missed those needy moans.." hyunjin whispered breathily against the youngers neck, making him shiver slightly at the sensation. as he was so close to jeongins neck already, hyunjin leaned in more, licking a stripe of the skin before attacking it with harsh kisses and love bites.

jeongin let out a muffled noise and rolled his head to the side to give hyunjin more access to his sweet spot which was soon being played with. "ah- hyunjin i want you~" he whined slightly, tangling his fingers to the olders hair and pulling on it slightly to get him to look up at him.

"p-please jinnie.. i'm desperate." jeongin begged and soon felt relieved when hyunjin nodded his head and untangled their bodies. the elder sat down on the the edge of the bed with his legs spread and looked at the younger whilst tapping on his lap for him to sit.

"good boy." hyunjin hummed into his ear once he sat down on his lap. the older took a firm hold onto jeongins sides and pulled him down to create friction between their bodies, loving how jeongin was already whimpering.

"i- i'm sensitive ok-.." the younger trailed once he noticed the olders eyes on him which made him chuckle. "i'm sex deprived." he mumbled, grinding his hips down and listening to hyunjin who let out a low groan, "and so are you.."

"shut up." the brunette said with a chuckle and undressed jeongin from the waist up, not taking off his pants yet as it felt too good when they're bodies moved in sync. to be honest, hyunjin was just too desperate for some kind of pleasure that he didn't want to let go. before jeongin, he slept around a little too much and relied on sex heavily, but with their recent complications it wasn't like he was able to just go fuck someone else? he loved jeongin too much to cheat.

"quick, take off these." hyunjin groaned, tugging at jeongins sweatpants desperately, "so eager.." the younger teased and got off the boy before slipping off any remaining clothes before straddling the older again.

"you're the one leaking." hyunjin teased back, smirking at jeongins already leaking cock - them both finding it funny how needy they were. "oh shut up and sort it out then." jeongin whined, bouncing up and down on his lap to gain more attention.

hyunjin only rolled his eyes and reached for the lube on his side table, applying some to his fingers before circling it around jeongins hole. "you're stretching me like this?" the younger questioned, the position of them being different then usual.

"yes, now spread your legs, slut." hyunjin groaned, gripping onto jeongins left thigh as he straddled him still, his legs widening more from the command. he circled jeongins hole once more before entering two fingers like always, but this was like before, when they'd have sex every night so jeongin was way more tight then usual, his eyes glueing shut and his mouth opening wide with a gasp.

"sorry princess does that hurt?" hyunjin asked, moving his fingers slowly inside the younger. "y-yeah.." he whimpered a little and waited until he adjusted for asking for more fingers. before long he was riding them, bouncing slowly up and down on hyunjin fingers and crying out for more.

"oh please jinnie." he repeated over and over, tears welling in his eyes over the fact hyunjins fingers kept grazing his prostate, it felt like torture. hyunjin hated to admit it, but as soon as those tears rolled down the youngers cheeks it turned him on more - maybe it was the fact he loved the pain behind it, he loved watched jeongin cry but hated to confess.

hyunjin pulled out his fingers, hearing a whimper escape the blondes mouth as soon as he did. "get off." he instructed simply and jeongin did as he was told, hopping off of his lap and waiting for what hyunjin wanted him to do.

the older stood up and slipped off his his shirt before pointing at the ground for jeongin, "on your knees, i'm still not fully hard." he said and watched as jeongin almost instantly did so, pulling down hyunjins sweat pants and boxers in one swift motion.

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