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crazy how only four months ago they were complete strangers; two boys who were scared to love and be loved, two boys who weren't quite cut out for a relationship of their own and only wanted meaningless sex and hook up. that's until they met eachother.

"do remember when we first met?" hyunjin asked, looking at the boy who sat on his right. jeongin was looking out to the beautiful city of seoul which was displayed from the amazing view of the olders apartment which was near the top floor of the large building. "i can't really remember.. i was drunk." jeongin giggled softly, looking back at the older who looked at him with admiration in his eyes.

"when i first lay eyes on you i was blown away. you knew you were perfect by the way you walked around, you didn't care about anyone else and were so confident. i remember seeing you and thinking that i needed to have you to myself, you were in my head that whole night." the long haired boy started, a hand making its way up to jeongins face to softly stroke his cheek.

"you stayed in my head up until work, that's when i saw you walk in and knew you were made for me it felt like fate to see you again. i know i was weird at the start but you made me realise who i actually am."

jeongin smiled slightly as he listened to the words, he felt so happy to of meat hyunjin. sure he was a jerk when they first met but he knew the boy was just misunderstood. a bit of a cliche but it was true. finding out about all of hyunjins flaws and good traits made jeongin realise how much of an amazing person he was, he just needed someone to guide him and that's exactly what he did.

"hyunjin.." jeongin hummed, leaning into the olders touch. "thank you." he shut his eyes and sighed a little finding it hard to actually say what he wanted to say - impossible even. jeongin wasnt one to talk about his feeling, he didn't even understand them.

he was brought up in a household that was so neglected of love he thought the concept was a foreign thing. his parents hated eachother and he was ignored by them. the only kind of love he had before hyunjin was his friends and chan - but mostly his relationship with chan was the older loving him and jeongin being with him to get out of his dark times. he never actually loved him.

but hyunjin? it was the way he spoke to him, how he was so assertive some times and the rest so delicate. how he treated his body with such care, even if they had rather intense sex hyunjin would always make sure that he was enjoying himself and would soothe the pain later. the was he was so protective over him made him feel so safe in his arms. with hyunjin around he didn't need to worry about anything - they were made for eachother.

"jinnie.. i think i love you."

hyunjin became silent and still, pausing at those oh so beautiful words. he knew what jeongins got like with expressing himself or even how he felt when others gave him too much to feel. jeongin got overwhelmed... a lot. but hearing him say such things made hyunjins heart skip a beat, his lips curling up into a smile.

"r-really.." the older stuttered - and he never stuttered. jeongin looked up at him with his pretty brown eyes almost sparkling, he looked so pretty right now. the two had decided to have a small date night and watch the stars from the balcony so jeongin dressed up nice. he looked stunning to hyunjin.

"promise you won't leave me." jeongin added, his voice cracking a little showing his vulnerable and delicate side that he only ever showed to hyunjin. the older pulled him closer into a tight hug, the blonde now perched up on his lap. "i will never, ever, leave you my little fox." hyunjin whispered softly into the boys ear.

jeongin looked at him with tears brimming his eyes and nodded his head, "little fox?" he sniffled slightly, already feeling upset at the thought he might not be with hyunjin forever. "you look like a little fox, so it's my new nickname for you." hyunjin half smiled and cupped the boys face, shaking his head slightly at the tears rolling down his face. the brunette took no time to wipe them away with his thumb and pull him in close again.

"promise you won't leave me." jeongin repeated, this time in an even more shakier voice then before, the kind of voice hyunjins heart broke to hear. "i promise." the older whispered and pecked the top of his head and littered kisses all the way down the youngers face until he reached his lips. those pretty pink lips that he loved the taste of so much.

hyunjins decided that a kiss from jeongin was better than anything else in the world, he even loved it more then sex - that showed how much he was infatuated with the blonde. he loved how jeongin would whimper at him biting down softly on his lower lip, how he would pull hyunjin in for more and pout when they pulled away.


he decided that jeongin was better than anything else in the world. not just his kisses, just him. hyunjin had grown to love and remember what all his mannerisms were making him able to know how the younger felt just by his body language and tone of voice.

how when he was sad he would shut his eyes for a while to hold back tears as he was quite sensitive, and he would become more clingy too.

how when he was happy his eyes would go to the cutest crescent moon shape and he would become giddy and less dependent and hyunjins touch.

how when he was shy he would play with his clothes or his fingers and become quiet, flinching at any affection that he thought he shouldn't receive.

how when he was scared he would shake a little and latch onto hyunjin because he knew that he'd protect him.

everything he did was so perfect to hyunjin and it made him realise when he thought about it how much he really did love the blonde. he didn't care if he needed constant validation because he would happily call him beautiful every second of the day. he didn't care if he was clingy because he loved to hold the boy close. he didn't care if he was overly sensitive because he liked to be the one to comfort him and wipe away those tears.

hyunjin knew that jeongin was the only person for him, the only person he ever needed.

"i love you too little one."

i've had to write this a/n
because i keep deleting
it by mistake ahhhhhh !!!
i want to say thanks for
18k reads and such great
feedback you guys leave
me when this book prolly
isn't as amazing as you
guys say it is !! so tytyty
ur all so lovely :))) and
i also want to remind
you guys who haven't
already to read my new
book 'before i go' ! it's
another hyunin book so
if you enjoy this please
read my other !!

- rin <3

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