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it felt so wrong lying in hyunjins arms, jeongin just felt like he was going to get hurt... the male was so charming and kind that it was intoxicating, he fell deeper and deeper into his spell - would hyunjin just throw him away once he got bored? jeongin sat up a little and groaned in pain, their talk ended in make-up sex which was soon regretted from jeongin - not for the same reasons as before, because of the conditions his body was in. he was already weak from the previous night and they had done it again, it felt as if his body was being used but hyunjin whispering sweet nothings into his ear made him feel safe and loved.

"you ok baby?" hyunjin asked softly making jeongins heart flutter, he was so soft spoken that he felt so delicate around him, the way hyunjin spoke to him made him feel precious almost... as if he needed the olders protection. "i-i'm just a bit sore." jeongin uttered and hyunjin frowned a little, kissing his lips softly. "i'm sorry innie, i'll get you some pain killers." the brunette said and got up out of jeongins bed and walked to the kitchen, opening all the cupboards to find the medicine. jeongin lay there with a half smile as he waited, 'hyunjin is so kind' he thought.

"what you tryna find?" a male said popping up randomly behind hyunjin, "ah you're the roommate, felix is it? i'm looking for some painkillers for jeongin." the brunette said and felix nodded his head and got them out of the only cupboard hyunjin hadn't looked in yet. "i understand you too we're trying to make up but next time can you keep your noise down... sounded like a porno in my house." felix said with a chuckle, handing over the painkillers to a now embarrassed hyunjin. "ah- well... sorry!" he said nervously resulting in a shrug from the other.

"oh and i know all about you hwang. hurt my baby jeongin and i'll make your life hell." he paused, speaking in a intimidating tone to then switch to a happy smile on his face, "anyway have a good night!" felix said and walked away to his room, hyunjin stood dumbfounded. "yikes..." he mumbled before getting back to jeongins room. he stood in the door way for a few seconds, looking at the boys body - half tangled in blankets, half out on show. jeongin made him go crazy.

he climbed back into bed and passed the younger the medicine and a glass of water. "you're so pretty." he said randomly making jeongin blush slightly. everything felt so perfect to the younger, he had never felt this safe in someone's presents. maybe hyunjin really did like him, right?

"jeongin! i want you to meet someone new here, could you introduce them to the place?" tzuyu called for the boy, appearing out of nowhere to find the younger. "sure, where are they?" jeongin asked softly and got up out of his office chair to follow his co worker. "in reception, my schedule is a bit busy today so thanks for agreeing. anyway look out for a handsome boy with brown hair, his names minho, take care of him innie!" the pretty female said before rushing off to what she needed to do.

the blonde took the escalator down to the first floor to greet this new boy. "minho is it?" jeongin asked once he was there, asking a male who fit the vague description tzuyu gave him. "ah yes! nice to meet you!" minho said happily and shook jeongins hand. "i'm jeongin, you don't need to be formal with me so don't worry! i think i'm younger then you anyway so i should probably be more formal but i think we're going to be great friends so we can skip the formal talk!" jeongin chattered on as he showed around minho.

"and this is the floor you'll work on, alongside me. i'll show you to your desk." the blonde said and walked over to the row of desks that he worked on. he had moved up one from jisung to avoid confrontation with him and decided to put minho in the middle of them. "this is jisun-" jeongin paused once he saw the expression on both boys faces, to him it felt they they had experienced love at first sight - although that sounded cringe, it looked so real.

jeongin smiled a little at the two, although jisung hadn't been the best towards him he hoped that maybe the presents of minho would bring them all together, after all jisung just seemed like a broken hearted boy and jeongin couldn't fault him for that reason. the two others chattered away beside him and jeongin got on with his work.

the day had moved along fairly slow, putting it short it felt slow to jeongin has he wasn't able to see hyunjin, he had been at different companies in meetings all week and his schedule was tight for the next few days. jeongin felt like he wanted to be clingy towards the older and nag him to text him occasionally or pop round his house when he was free to cuddle. but he wasn't sure what their relationship truly was yet... all he knew is that in the short time he had known the older he was falling for him deeply.

only a short one today :)
sorry i've been busy with
school so the upload
schedule might be all over
the place. love you all !

- rin ᵕ̈

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